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  • Dibussi Tande

    This weblog is based on DIBUSSI TANDE's personal views on people, places, issues and events in Cameroon, Africa and the world!


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January 30, 2006


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Frankline C. Kimbeng

This is a great piece.

JK Bannavti

It is interesting how the attempt to adapt democracracy to local realities has resulted in confusion and vitiation of the concept in Cameroon.
The failure of democracy in cameroon is the failure to adapt a concept whose specifics are very clearly delineated to what they claim is local realities.
It worked in the Southern Cameroons then (an Endeley Prime ministry succeeded by a Foncha Prime Ministry in free and fair elections). If those conditions remained, I am sure the issues resulted from understanding the workings of such a system would have been continuously addressed.
That a United Cameroon cannot appropriately address similar issues is a case of trying to implement democracy where it never existed int he first place. As a result, it is trying too hard to redefine democracy either according to Sengat Kuo or Prof. Nlep.
We need to address local challenges, but we need not modify democracy in order to do it.

paolo  laurent

if democracy means, living upto signed tretaies, such as, the complete withdrawal
of their illegal annexation of southern cameroons, with each nation doing its own thing ,soo, is what democracy is. a nation have never been a nation, by beeing forced
or colonised into worshipping a few group
of old,illetrate.,wealthy .stooges.just because these group have the military power at their hands.

Geraldine Essombe

It was very interesting to read about our struggle with the concept of democracy. If we agree to the fact that reality is socially constructed as many researchers like Kenneth Burke and Walter Fisher have argued, then it goes without saying that the very concept of a democratic state should be contextually relevant to Cameroonians. The notion of the indigeneous minority is one we should pay particular attention to and refrain from having a democratic system which promotes the tyranny of the majority.


The path to democracy seems to be particularly narrow and long especially in our continent. However, it is undeniable that the benefits of a democratic system outweights that of a dictatorship.
As such, the struggle must continue.


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