The U.S. Department of State has released its Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2005. The report, which is published each year, details the state of human rights in 196 countries. In the preface to this year's report, the U.S. Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, writes that the United States:
must help countries develop the democratic institutions that will ensure human rights are respected over the long term. We must help fragile democracies deliver a better life for their citizens. We must call countries to account when they retreat from their international human rights commitments. And we must always stand in solidarity with the courageous men and women across the globe who live in fear yet dream of freedom.
Don't forget to let your readers know about the 37 minute online streaming video featuring Dr. Condoleezza Rice speaking about the new 2005 Human Rights Report. You can find the link at the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor website. Here are the URL's to the website and the video:
BTW: I featured your post on "Why is Cameroon Poor?" in my latest blog post and I am working on a sizzling follow-up. Stop by my place when you can find the time. Excellent work you are doing here at Dibussi's Den, I really enjoy reading your posts.
Maybe we should give Secretary Rice a call to let her know that she has to keep those online videos short or at least break them down into bite-sized pieces? High Internet Bandwidth in West Africa (and lot's of other places) is practically non-existent.
Posted by: Black River Eagle | March 15, 2006 at 06:02 AM