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  • Dibussi Tande

    This weblog is based on DIBUSSI TANDE's personal views on people, places, issues and events in Cameroon, Africa and the world!


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« Cameroon Human Rights Report for 2005 | Main | Looking Back at the Messi Messi Affair (1): "The Greatest Politico-Financial Scandal of all Times" »

March 12, 2006


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Ma Mary

Massok- do not depend on chance. Next time, be sure to recruit someone with a video camera and another with one of those newfangled digital cameras before you pull off this kind of stunt. The picture here stinks sir.


Meanwhile, tell your Camerounese contri people to let my people (Southern Cameroonians) go.


Brother Massok,

Cameroonians sympathise with you on your quest to destroy the monument.
Brother we have so much to do in our country that the monument is not really a priority now.
CAADIM (CAmeroonians Against the DIvision of our Motherland) applauds you.
You are a True Patriot and Son of Cameroon.
Be patient...
Our Country has to develop into a modern democracy with progress. Our people mostly need jobs, good roads, hospitals, drinking water etc...
These statues of colonialism will be taken care of...

May God Bless You!


Sister Joyce

We have to start somewhere anyway, while we are waiting for what some will call priorities, why not proceed with your idea?
Bravo brother Mboua M, you have chicago support on that!

Man mout

Combattant,mentiens.Nos mots de l'exterieur ne sont que bla-bla.Si tous les Camerounais disent non aux colons(francais bulgars)et aux viellards politiciens camerounais ainsi nous pouvons espérer au changement.La diaspora Camerounaise:Nous devons venir et lutter avec toi;casser et bruler tout des colons et partir àzero.Surtout les francais et amercains de nos malheurs.Pas de negociations ou dialogue avec le diable.

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