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    This weblog is based on DIBUSSI TANDE's personal views on people, places, issues and events in Cameroon, Africa and the world!


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May 24, 2006


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Nga Adolph

Every year we get the same sing song from Amnesty International on the human rights abuses perpetrated by Biya's ruthless con men.The hypocrisy of the West is so glaring as it is sickening.The same governments(the US,Britain and co)who publish these reports are the same governments who maintain feudal_like regimes in power.At daytime they condemn human rights abuses and at night they transform into business partners with these tyrants.One will like to imagine how it is possible that the US state department which is charged with investigating and publishing human rights abuses in countries particularly in Africa without can do so without being careful not to draw the wrath of these despots.We know the growing investments the US is having in Central Africa.Remember when Cameroon was named twice as the most corrupt country by the Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index in 1997 and 1999.The Biya regime was furious and the tension between the American Embassy in Yaoundé and the Presidency could be sensed by any one.Erstwhile PM,Mafanyi Musonge was sent on an international tour to the US and in some European capitals in 2000 like a school boy sent by his master on an errand to plead to the International community to change its language vis a vis Cameroon.
The next year Cameroon's position was changed from 1st to the 3rd and palm wine flowed at Etoudi as government stooges sang 'Haleluya',showing their ignorance.Any country whose position is between 1 to 9 on TI's CPI is regarded as most corrupt.
We know the Shuttle Diplomacy that takes place before most of these reports are published.Let this go forth to the Western powers,we Africans have come of age and we are not going to be hoodwinked into your neo_colonialistic policies.I cannot see how AI can carry out investigations on human rights abuses in Cameroon without working alongside the National Commission on Human Rights and Freedoms(NCHRF) which itself is a toothless bull dog,capable of investigating human rights abuses but is forbidden to make its findings public.If AI has been denied access to Cameroon by the government for over a decade,how then do they get credible reports of abuses in the country?When we know that human rights NGO's are often the target of police raids.Little wonder when one reads some of these reports almost the same incidents are published year in year out.If AI has nothing else to publish on Cameroon it can as well relieve us of this monotony.Our people must be ready to take their destiny into their own hands and forget about waiting on others to do what it is in our place to do.
"With reasonable men,I will reason;
With humane men I will plead;
But with tyrants I will give no quarter
nor waste arguments where they will certainly be lost"_William Lloyd Garrison.



Hey Adolph
They like the money and resources more than they like the people. That is the cause of the "hypocrisy".


So with all this hash situations happening within the local human and people's rights in Cameroon what is intentional Amnesty International saying? Don't they hear this report or are they in support of what is happening in the prisons in that country?

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