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  • Dibussi Tande

    This weblog is based on DIBUSSI TANDE's personal views on people, places, issues and events in Cameroon, Africa and the world!


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« A Taste of Cameroon ... At the Museum of London | Main | Richard Bona: The Maestro in Concert »

October 08, 2006


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This poem speaks so genuinely--and with such depth. Thank you for introducing me to Lloney Monono. I will be watching for The Dance of Scorpions.


You poem unvails the misfutunes in an uholy marriage between the people of Southern Cameroons and La Republique Du Cameroun.
Thank you so very Mola Lloney E. Monono for telling story in a poetic format; of ills that the people of Southern Cameroons have being going through since the United Nations Organization forced them into an arranged marriage.
Thank you for poetically revealing the deceptions of LRC in the unholy union.

Joe Bannavti

I think this is the next best thing to Epie Ngome's What God Has Put Asunder, in capturing through the metaphor of love and marriage, the rape of Southern Cameroons in its 'marriage' with French La Republique du Cameroun. The metaphore is very transparent and the sheer naivitee of the lady is tragically heightened by the deceit and callousness of the man.
Unfortunately, and because bad faith is embedded in, and remains the male's driving force, reason holds that the union is doomed. Aye, what je m'en foutisme! Sheer insanity!


When I read through this poem, one thing is registered in my mind: CAMEROON ANGLOPHONE LITERATURE, surtout POETRY is still strong and kicking hard; hopefully posterity will remember this our threatened generation through the likes of you and....just name the others: I don't want J.k Bannavti to think I've read his comments; my regards to all and more power to your elbows...

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