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  • Dibussi Tande

    This weblog is based on DIBUSSI TANDE's personal views on people, places, issues and events in Cameroon, Africa and the world!


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« "A Baobab Has Fallen": Bate Besong is no More!!! | Main | A Baobab Fell in the Forest But Did They Notice? Bate Besong or the Symbol of the Cameroon Divide »

March 18, 2007


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Awachek Sylvester-Reagan

I appreciate the write-up by the author. A lot of things have been understood from there. But the big questions still remains as to why there has been occasional movements out of this continent especially by youths.


The world is already sad to see all the things that are happening in our countries, the issue at hand is simply because those of us who have made in US do not go back home to help the other or even do anything productive with the money that we made here. Many of us, forget where we come from and we leave our families and friend behind to struggle that is why you will never hear of peace in africa, the strong ones leave the country and never go back. It is sad.

Andrea Cinelli

I'm an italian videomaker.
I need to contact Olivier Jobard but I can't find his email address on the web.
I am interested in some of his works.
Can you help me?
Thanks a lot and compliments for your blog.

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