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« Book Review: The Disillusioned African (A Novel) | Main | UST President Says He Made Wrong Decision, Invites Tutu to Campus »

October 09, 2007


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Sister Elaine Kelley

It's interesting to look at the "past events" pages on the U. of St. Thomas website. It shows that Ann Coulter, an icon of hate speech, spoke at U. of St. Thomas a couple of years ago. Karl Rove too. They allow the likes of these to speak on campus but not one of God's truly special ones, like Desmond Tutu. What kind of Christianity is this? It escapes me.

Ma Mary

Evidently, many Jewish groups do not agree with this decision by St Thomas University. Universities around the world are failing to exercise principle, judgement and courage.

Tutu barred from speaking at school
October 09, 2007 08:17 AM

by Rethabile Masilo

“I am Jewish, and stifling debate and dissent [and] criticism of Israel is a disservice to all Jews, the state of Israel and the American people,” [Marv Davidov] said.

Mr Davidov was referring to the decision by St Thomas University in Minnesota not to invite Desmond Tutu. The reason the school gave was that Bishop Tutu “compares Jews in Israel to Hitler [and] in another section he questions Jewish faithfulness to God. (1)”

It is indeed a pity that those who made the decision to bar him from speaking at the school feel Israel cannot be criticised, or that people’s faith cannot be questioned.

A professor at the university who was pushing for the invitation to be accepted by the school has been “removed as director [of] the university’s justice and peace studies program. (2)” Someone was very strongly against inviting Tutu to the school, which says that Tutu “has been critical of Israel and Israeli policy regarding the Palestinians, so we talked with people in the Jewish community and they said they believed it would be hurtful to the Jewish community, because of things he’s said. (3)”

Please visit The Jewish Voice for Peace (4) and join the campaign to write to St Thomas’s president, Father Dease, about the injustice of this act, and demand the reinstatement of Professor Toffolo as head of the university’s justice and peace studies program.

The Jewish Voice for Peace further says that “the rumor of Tutu’s alleged ‘anti-Semitism’ is based entirely on a propaganda campaign waged by the extremist group, the Zionist Organization of America. Though he is outspoken in his criticism of Israel’s occupation regime, sometimes even bellicose, Tutu has never displayed anything other than deep concern for all peoples and his sympathy for Palestinians suffering under the yoke of occupation.”

Dr A A Agbormbai

The Archbishop spoke from his disappointment with what he saw (i.e. from evidence). Therefore I see nothing wrong with his criticisms of the Jews.

Are the Jews not to be criticised? Are they always right? Have they suddenly become God?

Wasn't a renowned Jewish President and military exponent (who had the greatest chance of bringing a resolution to the Jewish-Palestinian problem) murdered by a Jewish (home) terrorist? Who on earth could ever have dreamed of a Jewish leader losing his life to another Jew? Do we not now hear in the news of some Jews in Israel who perform Nazicistic actions on their own compatriots? Wasn't it another Jewish military leader who authorised the massacre of innocent Palestinians in the Sabra and Shatila camp?

The Jews of modern times are a far cry from the helpless souls who were dominated and persecuted by Hitler. They fought the effects of the holocaust well, caught the sympathy of the world, and showed the world how to turn negatives into positives. Thumbs up to them!

The result has been that they now have the world in their hands, and with that comes the scourge of the powerful - arrogance, over-sensitivity to worthy criticisms, tendency to see themselves as God on earth, insensitivity to the plight of the unfortunate (i.e. Palestinians), abuse of power (e.g. over-reactions when retaliating to attacks), etc.

Funny enough, these were the same tendencies that led Hitler to treat the Jews like excrement. They are the same tendencies that stand in the way of peace between Israel and Palestine.

Peace in the Middle East lies solely in the hands of the Jews. If they want it they will get it! I put it in their hands because they are the domineering force in the region, backed by the all-powerful Jewish lobby in the West.

As the leading power in the region, and the big brains in the region, they have the knife and the yam. Yet, thus far, they have mostly abused power.

Peace cannot exist with the Palestinians if the Jews can only see them as terrorists. For peace to exist there must be mutual respect and a complete transformation of attitudes from current and past ways.

In particular, the Jewish lobby in the West must use its powerful position in responsible ways that encourage and promote peace. They should stop their arrogance and power abuses, and fine-tune their thoughts and language to communicate peace and consideration for others (particularly, consideration for the Palestinians - who are greatly disadvantaged in this conflict).

In return, the Jews must demand and get reciprocity from the Palestinians and Arabs. Reciprocity is the fundamental basis for long lasting peace.

With attitudes, language, and actions changing for peace, over a period of time comes the unprecedented event of Jew and Palestinian living happily together in the same cities and getting on with their life without fear of attacks from the other.

Jew and Palestinian will not only do business with one another without prejudice, but will dine with one another, inter-marry, and discuss the foolhardiness of the past - when Palestinian and Jew was killing each other because of ideological differences (in the same way that the indigenes of many civilised nations discuss and laugh at the stupidities of their past histories).

With this peaceful scenario established, the crunching issue of Jerusalem becomes child's play. Common historical sites in the city (which have caused, and are still causing, confusion in peace talks) are simply shared between Jews and Palestinians - i.e. Jewish and Palestinian monuments and memorials are built on these sites to commemorate them. Each disputed site may host a Jewish section (for Jewish monuments and memorials) and a Palestinian section (with Palestinian monuments and memorials) with separate Palestinian/Jewish entry and exit doors.

Peace in the Middle East is a definite reality; but the chips lie in the hands of the Jews who have the might and the brain to bring about peace, if only they would change their attitudes towards the Palestinians and demand that the Palestinians reciprocate, and if only they would make more responsible use of their powerful positions to encourage and attain peace.


its a pity and i cant even believe we divide the world in classes.I hear of first world.First world in What?All the imoral things happening on earth trace its root back to this same first world.We should not pretend as if the Palestinian people are not suffering.the jewish manner makes me to remember the book (the merchant of Venice)i read some time ago.

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