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  • Dibussi Tande

    This weblog is based on DIBUSSI TANDE's personal views on people, places, issues and events in Cameroon, Africa and the world!


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  • Jimbi Media

« Excerpts of President Biya's Interview on France 24 | Main | Memory Lane (1967): A Loveless African Marriage Is Doing Surprisingly Well »

November 02, 2007


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neba funiba


Thank you very much for bringing these social stories to light. Authors of the words of social wisdom can be killed however, once spoken or inscribed, words of social wisdom can never be erased ("Killed")and would always be there to guide social historians and those interested in preventing human suffering.

Neba Funiba, PHD/EDFP


From Biodun Shobanjo: 'You're Fired!'

The man called 'Godfather of Nigerian Advertising', Biodun Shobanjo has joined the A-list cadre of business moguls like the US' Donald Trump, the UK's Allan Sugar and SA's Tokyo Sexwale as a consortium of The Executive Group, Storm Vision and Bank PHB has unveiled him as CEO for The Apprentice Africa!

The debonair icon, Biodun Shobanjo, at 63, is Chairman of the Troyka Group, which is the holding company for Nigeria's biggest ad agency, Insight Grey, FK:G2, Optimum Exposure, Media Perpective, MediaCom, Quadrant and Halogen, employing over seven thousand Nigerian men and women.

The Godfather is bringing this intimidating resume to bear in coaching 18 young African men and women on the principles of business, success and winning.

Applications are now being accepted from young Africans all over the world - people with brilliance and street-smarts. Apply on www.theapprenticeafrica.com. Do YOU have what it takes?


Moumie was an amazing man. A true patriot who still haunts the corrupt French vampires and the evil Cameroon dictators. May his legacy be remembered.

paulo laurent

camer ooun = french cameroun
where is southern cameroons?
please make the distinction for sake of intellectual honesty when ever necessary

maría griselda

Hi! I am from Argentina and I´ve benn searching for a picture of Franz Fannon to print in my t-shirt.
I´ve loved your article, thanks for remember a philosophe who was very important for the revolutionary groups of the 70´s in my country and Latinoamérica.
I need a Fannon´s picture, could you please, help me to find a one?
Thank you a lot!!
saludos desde Córdoba, Argentina

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