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November 06, 2007


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Nga Adolph

Taking a leaf from his 1987 Communal Liberalism,the seeds of parasitism had been sown in Paul Biya's Cameroon long before Cameroonians were to rudely awaken to the reality that the hero of 6th november was not the "saviour" as they had hoped for but an ethnocentric psychopat.

"...If modern Cameroon society,the dawn and dev't of which we are heralding,were not nurtured on its numerous and enriching traditional values,it would be a giant with feet of clay.One of these fundamental values is the community spirit,presented here as the duty of solidarity...it is therefore a two_fold solidarity.Solidarity in effort and solidarity in the sharing of the fruits of this effort..."
A succinct understanding of Paul Biya's idea of national solidarity rests on the premise that the resources of wealthy regions were to be gregariously exploited not to develop less resourceful regions but to enrich his clique of presidential stooges and members of the Beti and Bulu tribes on whom the regime depends for its survival.
A quarter of a century today,a whole generation of Cameroonians have been groomed in a spirit of parasitism,feymania,thievery,chronic corruption,the quest for the easy acquisition of ill_gotten wealth.A quarter of a century today,the spirit of creativity,hardwork and patriotism necessary to uplift emerging nations unto the podium of development has been drained out of well meaning Cameroonians leaving them empty and ghost_like.
The argument that the April 1984 coup caused Mr Biya to abandon his nationalistic policies,doesnot augur well with me.For me all that was written in his Manifesto was a smoke_screen to blindfold Cameroonians to revel in the pseudo belief that he had come to "save" Cameroon.Many even hold the view that Biya was not the author or even the brain behind Communal Liberalism.
African and other world leaders known for their mediocrity in the domestic affairs of their countries often compensate their failures by persuing foreign policies that go a long way to give a face_lift to their countries.Cameroon's presence in the international scene has been as discrete as the man himself to say the least.In Communal liberalism he states...

"Aware of the fact that a disunited Africa cannot hope to change anything in the world order,we believe that Cameroon,should muster all its force as to contribute to the strengthening of African unity at the continental,regional and subregional level..."
Cameroon under his leadership has backtracked on the promises of forging a greater African unity.His personal absences and presidential empty chair policies during OAU and AU summits is a clear indication that he initially didn't have African unity at heart.Ofcourse,his open support for french imperialism and his recent imperialists declarations with France 24 is demonstrative of his 25 years reign.

Nga Adolph,

Ma Mary

You can now use the following website to report details of crimes committed against Southern Cameroonians by agents of la Republique. Report details of the crimes and the criminals. You can equally upload images and files and documents.

WWW dot let them account dot com


Therefore, if you have information on torturers, occupation officials, evil collaborators and the like, this is the place to upload. if you have information on "cold cases" such as the murderers of Mbunwe Samba or the guy who shot the Monju kid, this is equally the place to place such information.

Just send the information, and it shall be used to pursue justice and for the cause.

Victor Maritim

The trend of leaders abandoning the platforms and ideals they stood for when campaigning for office continues every where in the continent even in the so called 'success stories' of Africa, pointing this out should be done by every citizen.
A great read.

tim eyambe

The GMI police in Cameroon should be disbanded. This group of law enforcement ofcrs are terrorists. They are responsible for all the shootings that have killed students engaged in peaceful protests. I like to know what actions the government took for those who fired those fatal bullets. They should be facing life sentences without parole. But if they did not face this minimum punishment as oppose to the death penalty, well, some day they
will undoubtedly face these charges. No one
should be above the law, especially when it
involves the taking of a human life. I know
that even Mr Biya would not take it easy if
his child is intentionally killed by a nut.
I am sure that the human rights reps are doing their job.


paul biya you dont over stay for that chair go down. na only you one go chop all thing. why selfish so.

Djotchuang Tamo

Good blog here. Keep up Sir.

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