Originally published in The Frontier Telegraph
The Internet and search engines have become a very powerful tool in research by policy makers, analysts and academics. The viral nature of the Internet or cyberspace has also made it a great tool for communication and activism, for better or for worse...
While surfing the net this past week, two websites of interest caught our attention. These websites stood out because of their activist orientation and simplicity in eliciting the desired action from visitors.
Given the recent events in Bamenda and Kumba where instruments of warfare were employed against defenseless civilian populations, these sites could not be timelier.
The first is Let Them Account - a website rendered in an almost antiseptically clean and simple look, it carries a dark blue banner against its white backdrop with the words: Track & Trace. The owners of the website explain:
"Our purpose is to collect information about individuals involved in the occupation of the Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia). Such people are usually citizens of la République du Cameroun acting in the capacity of colonial administrators, occupation police and the occupation military. Many of these have ordered torture and murder and committed such acts themselves, in a desperate attempt to maintain their hold on the people of the Southern Cameroons and their resources.
Southern Cameroonians and la République citizens of good will should use this site to report criminals and crimes. If you are victim, you should also use this site to report your case. When you do, please provide very complete information."
LetThemAccount.com provides an interface for respondents to enter the nature of any criminal offense and the ability to browse and upload any documentary evidence.
The second actrivist webiste is an electronic petition created by one Ronald Lindsay Hickman. Apparently conceived by this British citizen, it requests other British citizens and those residents in Britain to " petition the Prime Minister to explain the role of Her Majesty's Government's in administrating British Cameroons"
The messaging of the Southern Cameroons nationalist's story is moving beyond the confines of electronic bulletin boards, electronic forums and groups, employing relatively more sophisticated Internet platforms to refine information dissemination methods and target new audiences.
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Thanks for visiting my blog. You've got a nice one here. Very interesting information. My grandmother was from Cameroon and I can confess that I know too little about the country. Hopefully, I can learn from your blog.
Posted by: SOLOMONSYDELLE | December 19, 2007 at 07:08 PM
Thanks for visiting my blog. You've got a nice one here. Very interesting information. My grandmother was from Cameroon and I can confess that I know too little about the country. Hopefully, I can learn from your blog.
Posted by: SOLOMONSYDELLE | December 19, 2007 at 07:10 PM