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February 15, 2008


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Ma Mary

Everybody in America knows that easy accessibility of guns is the cause but the politicians are afraid to say that plain truth. It is political suicide to speak truth about guns, so they all pander. I sincerely hope that Obama and Clinton, unlike Clinton and Obama before them do not go for pretend duck hunts just to impress gun political machine.

Background checks will generally have no preventive effect in these cases, because the perpetrators usually have no criminal records, and their "crazy" records, if they have those at all are a matter of doctor-patient confidentiality.

Every couple of months, somebody kills a mass of people in some school or mall. When will the school lobby and the mall lobby and the people lobby tell the gun lobby enough!


These copycat campus shootings seem to be getting more and more frequent. No need second-guessing that the proliferation of the cheap guns in unsafe hands is responsible for the madness. I hope the debate about gun culture of America could be one of the issues that decided who will be President in the coming elections.

Within the last week alone, there has been a spate of at least 5 mindless multiple killings by a pack of boneheads at different locations. It beggars belief why there is still no law to tighten the acquisition and possession of weapons on the high streets.

America still lives in denial about its litany of self-made catastrophes. There is evidence that global warming causes new and weird weather patterns. America has singularly suffered the effects of such crazy changes and unpredictable weather with climate change. Yet, they refuse to sign the Kyoto protocol and continue to drive their big cars without a care in the world, spewing their carbon into the atmosphere. Remember Katrina, the other time it was California, last week it was Michigan. The tragedies continue

Similarly, they drag the rest of the civilized world into a barbaric war in the Middle East; subjecting us all to the bigotry and hate of the terrorist . But they refuse to quit Iraq.

They introduced the fast food culture in the world, the one unnecessary thing now responsible for causing an epidemic obesity of global proportions.

They allow thugs to acquire cheap guns off the counter, and they suffer from its effect when innocent kids are slaughtered in cold blood by hallucinating idiots! But they refuse to legislate on the gun culture.

The American dream is a self- prescribed nightmare and America still snores and roars.



Very, very, sad. It makes you wonder what is going on with the young people of today. Why is this becomming more, and more common. It breaks my heart.

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