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« Three killed when riots sweep Cameroon's economic capital | Main | "France 24" Webnews: Cameroonian Bloggers and the Ongoing Crisis »

February 28, 2008


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I like the weaknesses of the pro-democracy / anti-Biya forces which you have outlined in this article. Hopefully, the "opposants" are listening and will eventually beat Biya in his game not by relying or capitalizing on spontaneous outbursts of protest but by actually planning and implementing a people's uprising. In the meantime, while I agree that Biya may have dodged the bullet this time, this is only a brief respite now that the people are aware of their power. Another lesson from the villes mortes is that after the calm, violence follows shortly thereafter...

BTW, you blog was briefly profiled by the TV news network France 24 - http://www.france24 .com/fr/20080228 -net-cameroun- paul-biya- opposition- blogosphere

The Southewsterner

Whatever way this past events are analysed, one thing is clear, and that is, the regime is now aware discontent is huge. That means they will have to thread carefully in the coming days because somehow the masses will carry the day sooner or later. They least expected this eruption. The days ahead might not be so rosy as expected for them. Their planned agendas might have to be re-worked some how.
Opposition parties or not, they like the Biyaist are just the very thing. A bunch of ex-cnu/cpdm converts. An extention of neocolonialist agents. I pray they be rendered irrelevant by the masses. They should back-off. They claimed to be the people's voice , yet their continous cozy affairs and irrelevant compromises with the regime in place has instead helped to legimitise the present claim that Cameroon is a democracy. What is it that an anti-establishment front the SDF is doing in parliament?. Which opposition are we talking about. An opposition exist in a democracy. Is Cameroon a democracy? , our country is still to move into the democratisation phase. What we have today is just some kind of a cosmetic opening. That transition to democratisation is stalled because of ill strategic compromises by those outfits spin doctors keep refering to as opposition. Let the masses take control of their destiny. Analyst can spin this their way. Infact this is just a preamble of things to come.

Nga Adolph

Mr Paul Barthelemy's speech was arrogant,bashful and belligerent to say the least.The man has the effrontery to covertly justify the use of fire arms against innocent Cameroonians expecially the young martyrs whose lifes were cut short by the bullets of His Superfluous Excellencies arm-tutting buffoons.Not even once does Mr Biya offer a word of condolence to the bereaved families.Thereby insinuating that all those who were assassinated were simply "vandals".Not even once does Mr Biya mention the problems that sent youths in the first place on the streets.The cancerous unemployment,high cost of basic commodities,lack of educational facilities,institutionalised neglect by the regime in every aspect of our lifes etc is not his cup of tea.What does this tell Cameroonians especially the youths?

Mr Biya is simply telling us the youths that our acts are inconsequential,that we count for nothing,that we are expendable and that our lifes depends on his souvereign mercy.Over the years Mr Biya has consistently shown a blatant disregard for us the youths,the guarantors of Cameroon's future,the overseers of our Father's legacies.Is it not the same man who in the early 1990's told striking UniYao students that politics was an exclusive preserve for politicians.Hear him;"Laisser la politique pour les politiciens et l'école pour les écoliers".Thus waving aside the plight of students,ridiculing and minimising them.

During his last mimicry on Youth day(11th of February),the issue of the revision of our Fundamental Law was conspicuously absent from his speech.Ofcourse,what is the business of youths in such 'grandiose state matters',surely that's what went through his mind when writing the speech or did someone write it for him? While you the youths were excitedly watching the African Cup of Nations, the the CPDM mafia went to work formulating the draft of the ammendment of the Fundamental Law in their Congress in Yaoundé.They thought they could dupe us with football,unfortunately the Lions never gave them that pleasure.Every day we are told that the "youths are the leaders of tomorrow".My stomach churns every time I hear it.

This phrase is often used by political Methuselah's to make dreamer's out of the youths.To intoxicate their young minds with the photogenic impression that contemporary issues donot concern them and that they have no business in present affairs.Thus meaning that their future is in the hands of others.

But we must not allow our destinies to be defined by those who have bequeath no legacy unto us.By those who have destroyed our hopes and thrown our aspirations to the wind.We must see ourselves as the leaders of today.For any child who is conscious of his future will hold an irresponsible father to account and not wait until he is in his grave.

Since the attainment of the completion point of the Highly Indebted Poor Countries Initiative(HIPC),where are the fallouts which was supposed to take care of the problems faced by youths?It is time we draw inspiration from young patriots like Charles Blé Goudé of Cote d'Ivoire and others all over the continent of Africa who have fought and who are fighting to change these political systems that have made us estranged people in our own countries and turned us into beggars,vagabonds,almsmen in other people's countries.

Yes,Mr Biya has thrown the gauntlet and has challenged us the youths to pick it up.We must prove to him that we can pick it up.We must prove to him that the people always have the last say and that no amount oppression and repression can buffer the detrermined will of a people.We must must make him know that his 1319 days in office will not be added by a single day.We must prove to him that the torch of liberty and democracy has been passed on to a new generation that is determined to protect our country coveted interests.

Nga Adolph,

Ma Mary

What that means, if the old forces like the SDF have been bought and spent is that a new and more radical leadership is bound to arise, especially because the use of deadly force has been more exhuberantly embraced in 2008 by Biya's Camerounese Harm Forces.


Ma Mary, stop wasting your time with all the SDF hammering. The last thing on Cameroonians' minds right now is the SCNC so don't think hammering SDF makes you and your lofty history club ,aka SCNC, any important.

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