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April 25, 2008


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Brilliant article Dibussi. It almost brought tears to my eyes.

The bloodthirsty vampires at ETOUDI are cracking down on our revolutionaries and we need to do something about it. The sad thing about Cameroon is that people are not even aware of revolutionaries like Joe la conscience. People don't know anything about these kind of stories because our media refuses to cover them. Thank you very much Mr. Dibussi for giving this revolutionary a voice. I hope other media outlets get the cue and follow suit.


Damn! I had never heard of Joe La Conscience until now!!! The ability for Biya to stay on in spite of it all might very well be due to the fact that most Cameroonians, much less the international community, do not really have a clear picture of what is going on in Cameroon. As long as such stories are not told, as long as such revolutionaries are not celebrated, then Biya will continue to silence them to our detriment.

Thanks for this eye-opener!


It is often said that thoes who stand for the truth always stand alone!But I hope Cameroonians will not forget JLC. FREE JOE LA CONSCIENCE, NOW, UNCONDITIONALLY!

Man Mout

I m louking for his personal contact.DJA bless.


View the downloadable poster for the relevant contact information.

Free JLC

Country/Topic: Cameroon
Date: 23 April 2008
Source: Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA)
Person(s): Lapiro de Mbanga, Joe La Conscience
Target(s): other
Type(s) of violation(s): arrested , detained , imprisoned , sentenced
Urgency: Flash
(MFWA/IFEX) - Two renowned musicians, Lapiro de Mbanga and Joe La Conscience have been arrested and detained by the authorities in Cameroon for singing songs in which they criticised the recent controversial constitutional amendments which allow the President unlimited terms of office.

The two were arrested respectively on 9 April and 20 March 2008.

Mbanga, a known member of the opposition party Social Democratic Front (SDF), was summoned and subsequently arrested by the gendarmerie of Mbanga City. According to sources in Cameroon, he was accused of instigating the mass demonstrations against the high cost of living which took place at the end of February.

The sources report that Mbanga's arrest was linked to a song he wrote entitled "Constipated Constitution" which warns President Paul Biya of the dangers that the amendments could create.

La Conscience, who also wrote a song condemning the amendments of the Constitution, was convicted to six months' imprisonment for an alleged illegal demonstration.

When prevented to carry through a march he had planned against the amendments, La Conscience arranged a sit-in at the US Embassy in Yaoundé. This was deemed unlawful by the Cameroon authorities who subsequently arrested him.

The Constitutional Amendment Bill was adopted by the National Assembly in Cameroon on 10 April. The amendment allows an unlimited number of presidential mandates, which according to critics empowers President Paul Biya to continue to rule for life.

The amendments also grant immunity to the President for any acts committed by him during his time in office.

The Network of African Freedom of Expression Organizations (NAFEO) is deeply concerned about the repression of artistic expression in particular and free expression in general in Cameroon. We urge the authorities to immediately and unconditionally release Lapiro de Mbanga and Joe La Conscience.

We encourage supporters of free expression to send letters of protest and demand the release of the two musicians to the nearest Cameroonian embassy.



Free JLC, Lapiro now, unconditionally!

Samuel Chidong

I think Joe La Conscience's plight like that of Lapiro should be the subject of an international crusade to bring pressure for their immediate release.

Whatever political disagreement we have in Cameroon should be resolved within the framework of the respect of Human Rights and fundamental freedom of expression.

Its a shame that Joe La Conscience was arrested within the prcints of the USA Embassy in Yaounde, and the Americans, guarantors of fundamental rights, have done nothing to condemn this infamous act.

Prince EBELLE Martin

I most gradulate you for trying to solve one of Cameroon's greatest problems; that of delivering the right information to the public.This article is quite revealing, challanging and calls on all patriotic Cameroonians to rethink and react positively.
It is a shame and a strong signal about how cunning the American authorities and other imperialist nations can behave when it concerns the cry of the African people.
Is the situation in Zimbabwe so different from ours?

Francis Ngale

I would confess that before his arrest I had not heard of Joe La Conscience but I admire his bravery and gut to stand fearlessly against the Brutal Regime of Paul Biya.

While agreeing with the viewpoint of those who think that it is time for an international cursade to highlight the plight of Joe La Conscience, Lapiro et Longue Longue and the status of freedom of expression in Cameroon, I however, think that the Cameroonians in the diaspora ought to do more in bringing the International community and the United State to take action against the Cameroonian governement.

We are having a demonstration in Central London on May 20th, 2008 and having seen the poster in support of Joe La Conscience, I think that we will be using it for our banners.


Thanks for providing this information, Dibussi! We posted this story on freemuse.org: Imprisoned for singing ‘Constipated Constitution’ - http://www.freemuse.org/sw26753.asp
- we'd appreciate to hear from you if or when you have news about the Joe or Lapiro!

Tene Sop

Thanks for supporting the international campaign for the freedom of all political prisonners in cameroon.
We are all concerned about Joe's case:
We must stand up against this new fascism and dicatorial terrorism ,biya is creating in Cameroon: We say NO!

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