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  • Jimbi Media

« Controversy over Ebenizer Folefack Sontsa’s death: Was His Alleged Suicide a Cover-up? | Main | (Video) CamFranglais in Cameroon »

May 07, 2008


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Wait a minute??? What parameter did Freedom House use to declare Cameroon as haven improved on media freedom when private radio stations like FM 109 and tv like houses Equinoxe Tv and its radio were shut down due to their independent views which didn't go down well with the regime.Radio Siantou also saw its licence withdrawn at some time.During the February uprising journalists couldn't report freely on what was going on and the rest of the world could only rely on the internet for info.

The states highandedness,intimidation and brutality on journalists can only be compared to that during Hitler's Third Reich reason why the regime's Minister of communication Biyiti Bi Essam is also known as "petit Goebbels".Anyone who read his history well will know the role of Dr Paul Joseph Goebbels in "crushing the enemy through propaganda".

Freedom House must check again and make serious investigations before coming out with such pseudo-statistics aimed at blindfolding the rest of the world.The Cameroonian people shall not tolerate such statistics.I shall personally write to Freedom House now,and tell them in no uncertain terms of this misleading blunder on their part.This is preposterous!!!!

Freedom House

Berinyuiy, the report is about the year 2007 during which Cameroon made significant gains by granting at least 4 private broadcast licenses. True, in 2008, at least three of those licenses were withdrawn; this information will factor into our report for 2008 which will appear in 2009 - ours is an annual review not a monthly or quarterly one.


Please keep signing the online petition at:www.petitionline.com/280208.

Thanx for those who have endeavoured to sign and I encourage those who haven't to do so.It is the little drops of water that becomes oceans.

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