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  • Dibussi Tande

    This weblog is based on DIBUSSI TANDE's personal views on people, places, issues and events in Cameroon, Africa and the world!


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  • Jimbi Media

« CNN's "Cameroon’s 'Cursed' Children" Report - A Rebuttal by a Cameroonian Medical Doctor | Main | Cameroun - Autopsie d'une Indépendance »

June 19, 2008


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Flying Dragon

Pathetic...simply pathetic!What a cursed nation called Cameroon!


The immigration of Cameroonians and most specifically the educated class as mentioned above to other parts of the world thus causing brain drain within the republic is a very unfortunate and disturbing factor.When one remembers the lyric of the late famous singer Prince Nico "Home is Home" it sends alot of impulses to ones nerves, without using hyperbolic statements some ones place of birth counts alot even if one finds a safe heaven in a new place of residence, domicile or adopted area.
Though Cameroonians emmigrating abroad may have various motives, a common purpose affixed to all Cameroonian emmigrants is not far fetched. The socio,economics and political jungle permanently implanted in Cameroon by the crude and kangaroo regime in place has rendered Cameroon certificates and skilled workers worthless. A University graduate no more has any potential use in the job market least to mention Ordinary and advance level holders.Securing a job with even a consolatory salary is like winning lottery.The route to professional schools such as Enam, ENS,Polytech,Iric, p&T etc are all sour with high level of corruption. No money or God Father no professional training or job.Even those that went through these so called professional schools with abundance of skills are placed on very discouraging salaries that cannot afford even ones personal responsibilities. Why then will Cameroonians who have got the opportunity to escape these woes wouldn't migrate abroad to seek for better leaving standard?. When shall thy kingdom come, that a Cameroonian graduate or non graduate will be proud to stay and work for his country. From from it.

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