About Scribbles

  • Dibussi Tande

    This weblog is based on DIBUSSI TANDE's personal views on people, places, issues and events in Cameroon, Africa and the world!


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November 24, 2008


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Hello Dibussi,

Congratulations for your award. Keep up the high standards. A bigger award may be around the corner.

Innocent Ndifor Mancho

Hello Mola,
Congratulations for a job well done. This is a recognition of the wonderful work you are doing both as an informer and educator. Scribbles from the den is a top blog and i have had one of the most enlightened online debates on this blog.

Congratulations again and keep scribbling from the den


The SouthWesterner

Congratulation, your blog is cool. You deserve.

So when is the champagne party ! we need to drink for this !

Neba Fuh

Each day, many go not to sleep without entering the den to read what was scribbled. This distinguished recognition is clear evidence of your tireless effort in making your country, Africa and the World a better place.

Let the ink in the den never dry up, so that we won't stop savoring the wisdom encrypted in the scribbles.

kange williams wasaloko

Awards are not given to just anybody that is why they are called awards.May God grant you the strength to do more great things to deserve more awards.

Ma Mary

I am proud of you, Dibussi. Keep up the excellence. More awards are coming.

Eliv'a Wonja

congrats dibussi. i hope this blog continues to shine its light on one dark godforsaken corner of the globe called cameroon.

Mwalimu George Ngwane

Who can be surprised at this pleasant outcome? The scribbles in the den have had untold stories from the lion and about the lion as if to confirm Achebe's proverb that " until the hunter produces his own historian,the story of the hunt shall always glorify the hunter"
Congrats Brother. Those awards always come sometimes inadvertently to remind us that even in the land of the iguanas and bats there are still some ears that listen and eyes that see.


Congrats Dibussi, you know you deserve it.

Samira Edi

Well done,
Mola. It is as well-deserved honour. Keep it up. More power to your "pen".

Martin Jumbam

Mola, great and well-deserved achievement! Keep up the good work!

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