Mimboland News Agency: President Longstay of the Republic of Mimboland returned to the country today after a 43-day visit to Europe which official media coyly described as a "bref sejour" - a brief visit. This was president Longstay's fifth bref sejour to Europe and America this year, and yet another demonstration of the Mimboland leader’s "governance by remote control" which he has perfected into a science.
Bref Sejour
It's been a lifetime since he left
for a bref sejour across the seas
In his absence the people grope for survival
like drunken sailors staggering in a dark alley
wishing they had a steady and trusted hand
to guide them through these turbulent times
But this matters little to the Prince
For he knows that upon his return
The docile and groveling masses
Shall welcome him with open hands
grateful that he deigned to return
once again to their cursed land
for yet another bref sejour
Mimboland is a (not so) fictional African country created by novelist Francis Nyamnjoh. The leader of the "land of Mimbo" is president Longstay who is clinging onto power against the wishes of Mimbolanders. Here are some of Nyamnjoh's books set in the land of Mimbo.