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December 04, 2008


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its truly sad that it has come to this-selling africa to africans. I think the main issue regarding the brain drain is the collapse of rule of law in virtually all of the african states. Africans in the diaspora want rule of law, accountability, human rights, and most of all, Peace! Anyway excellent blog brother!


There is one simple thing for all African governments to do to attracts its citizens frm abroad The Rule of law in their respective countries. It does not need conferences identfying skill levels proposing job opportunities or simply trying to appeal to their patriotic insincts.Soecially mentionning patriotisim is even insulting because pariotism is in the heart and not the mouth.

V. Mungyeh

Your conclusion hits the nail right on the head Mr. Tande. Patriotism has been interpreted especially by those who presently rule to mean unquestioning adherence to their policies. Any attempt to scrutinize policy is immediately dubbed fringe and unpatriotic.

We therefore need to kick of from a psychological transformation allowing of a plurarity of vision all in the interest of the nation. Prospects for such an utopia become so bleak especially with the presence of the Mugabes and Yaya Jamehs of the continent.


Promote Africa as a tourist destination? what destination? when in Douala INTERNATIONAL aiport no one speaks English? ( mind you, it is suppose to be an international airport)? in the same douala airport, both citizens and tourists are harrassed, interrogated and robbed of their money and you want people to promote tourism in such places? and what was that about African embassies? lol. Even Africans working in African embassies in the West still haven't learned a thing or two about customer service and work ethic. They are still rude on the phone, dismissive to people and lazy when to comes to work.

Also, While diaspora Africans are exposed to more information and may hold and wield more power, most of them need to educate themselves about Africa and their identity. All they seem to do in the Western world is chase white women, toss their identities out the window and beg for eurocentric indoctrination. It's truly truly sad.

These are good points but we need to CHANGE OUR MENTALITY FIRST AND FOREMOST before Africa can see any change.

Amosa Jumbam

Great article. This article outlines some of the important steps that have to be taken to reach out to the African Diaspora. While these solutions are what the African givernments must do, the Diaspora also has to come up with its own solutions.

Maybe an efficient solution will involve a greater collaboration between the diaspora and the private sector in Africa without the imposing presence of our governments.


The SouthWesterner

Folks, does anyone in his right mind believes the regime in place wants you back?

Think of it again. They see the diaspora as a GOLD MINE. We are their UN-DECLARED partners. We are part of the reason they are still in power, afterall our periodic WESTERN UNION cheques back has helped KILLED any desire for a REVOLUTION.

Our cheques back home put bread and butter on the table. Pay fee and rents for our love ones ETC.

Infact the status quo LOVES us, BUT , they kind of deliberately ensures our ROLE is limited to just that,doing their HEAVY LIFTING,no more no less.

If they will get their way, more and more of our brothers and sisters should come swell our community. Its their game,they set the tone and the result is what they desire.


Mr Tande, good points but I may say that Africa should see all of her sons and daughters in the diaspora as a potential source of human capital and not a potential swamp of competitors , bullies or rivals.

Many are willing to return to Africa - not necessarily to their country of origin - to support Africa's development. Whilst this does not absolve African governments of the responsibility to train their workforce born and bred in the country, they can complement this with talent from the diaspora.

Those in the diaspora need to hear about the important opportunities that exist in Africa.A country like Cameroon has billion dollar companies with

1)no websites or ICT facilities but for some obscured noticeboard at their yard.
2)Jobs announcements are either oral or pasted on that obscured noticeboard one day prior to expiration date
3)Meritocary is sacrificed at the altar of scrash-my-back-I-scrash-your-own
4)Embassy-diaspora relations is cat and dog with each viewing the other as enemy
etc etc

Diasporians need to know that their input is welcome. The policy framework and the investment climate must be welcoming as one conference speaker on diaspora-Africa relations put it lately. All African citizens, whether in Africa or the diaspora, need to see an enabling environment.

Ghana is a glaring contemporary example. Most of my Ghanian classmates left for home and are making a formidable contribution to their nation building immediately Jerry Rawlings was defanged and overthrown. Undemocratic and corrupt regimes are at the core of African problems.

Hope someome somewhere is listening to you Tande. Keep blogging and kudos!

Innocent Ndifor Mancho

This articles sounds like the road map to engaging with the african diaspora. Translating these ideas into action needs a revolution of the political/policy landscape.

A majority of African leaders today (maybe with the exception of Kabila)we educated in the diaspora. They were sourced from the diaspora to take up positions in the governments that emerged after independence. Today, they view the diaspora more as potential threats and rivals to their position than as partners in the development process.

When we have leaders like Mugabe, Biya, Bongo etc who are cut off from modern day reality it is difficult to envisage any meaningful change without a profound change in the ideas of the leaders.

After 10 years in power, most African leaders have lost touch with modern trends. Their ideas have become stagnant and they are more concerned with preserving their status/positions than changing the fortunes of their people. We definitely need a new class of leadership, with modern ideas, who understand today's realities and can engage modern and relevant ways to harness resources both natural and human within the national frontiers and in the diaspora to bring about change and development. Until we are able to bring that regime change in countries like Cameroon, Zimbabwe, Gabon etc we will be talking about this again in the next century.

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