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  • Dibussi Tande

    This weblog is based on DIBUSSI TANDE's personal views on people, places, issues and events in Cameroon, Africa and the world!


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« Palapala Magazine # 4 Now Available Online | Main | Cameroon Ranks Very Poorly on 2008 Global Integrity Report »

February 12, 2009


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Andong Akofu

I cannot underscore the creativity and insight of this book. It tells the tale of a nation once prosperous and alive with possibilities that has been reduced to an illusion - a sinking sand. Yes our nation is living in its shadows and the masterpiece "Bonamoussadi" tells the tale with evocative mastery.
We are a people shackled along the paths of prosperity. We sing "dimambola" to a sordid government with a track record of mayhem and utter destruction. We listen to dire manifestos of patrician trotting pushing politicians of the ruling party like songs of lament. We hum albeit unconsciously to the tune of "mbambe sai" a ballad where honour is given to where it is not due.
The book stirs us to national consciousness for our country is now only a demise of a once rare gem. We must act fast to restore our political, social and economic prowess for (like the author says) a brighter future for our children and their unborn progeny. This can only be done if we use our collective energies to fight bootlickers of the present regime, trotting pushing politicians, bribe fattened administrators etc.
Oscar Labang, I would say two thumbs up for your creative insight. We would use what we have (not necessarily AK 47s, grenades and bayonets) for the betterment of our unborn, but the force of words construed on paper. For words and paper have proven to be the best weapons in a battle for change.

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