A brief report on the unification of the British and French Cameroons. What expectations did Southern Cameroons leaders have of unification? What promises did the leaders of the French Cameroons make with regards to unification? How did the erstwhile equal relationship between Premier Foncha and President Ahidjo become be a subaltern one? Documentary contains very rare archival video footage and audio clips from the 1960s and 1970s. (In French).
What is visually most striking in this video is how Foncha moves from the leader of a country, with all the honors, and then ends up as "Grand Chancellor" of Cameroon with the duty of decorating Ahidjo with some new medal whenever the latter felt like it. That, more than anything else, tells the story of the British Southern Cameroons in its union with the French Cameroons. Tragic story indeed!
Posted by: Manga | February 11, 2009 at 07:36 AM