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« 25 Years Ago... Gabriel Ebili: "How I Saved the Biya Regime" | Main | 25 Years Ago… Captain Guerandi Mbara on the 1984 Coup Attempt »

April 08, 2009


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Samira Edi

Mola thanks for this archival piece.
Knowing what one knows of Biya's insouciant leadership, and how he is easily given to conspiracy theories —— inclined to see enemies in every Cameroonian who is not of the CPDM, it is possible that he was spuriously accusing perfectly innocent persons, including the former President because they were all from the North. It is also possible Ahidjo was the Gray Cardinal behind the coup. The truth however may never be known, because Cameroon is no country where truth can be successfully excavated with unblemished veracity.

I know not the type of man Ahidjo was. Unfortunately, I have only read scrappy bits of information about him; which all indicate that he was a ruthless and intollerable monocratic, who brook no compromises, while abused his office extensively to silence any his critics. Unfortunately for him, as the law of retributive justice always pans out, he unwittingly nursed the viper closely to his bosom that would eventually bite him; his "would-be executioner"——Biya.

It is clear the apple did not fall far from the tree. As a well-groomed pupil of such a Machiavellian master, Biya learnt the tyrannical craftsmanship of his bloodstained predecessor which helped keep his enemies well in a straight-jacket.

Whether Ahidjo's fingerprints were on the muskets of the '84 coup or not, both he and Biya are guilty of holding Cameroon captive and of using high-hanged tyranny to maintain themselves in power.

Biya has orchestrated many coups and counter-coups against himself during the course of these 27 yrs since he took the country hostage. The last coup d'état was in 2008, through an elaborate plot via the amendment of the constitution, extending his reign to 2011 and maybe beyond.

It is a source of profound shame that since 1960, we've had only two Presidents. That indeed is the real tragedy. I'm beginning to wish that Biya should live until he's 150years old, an infirm geriatric, sick and in pain, wrinkled, gnarled and out of his mind. What the heck am I saying? That's how he is now! 5yrs more and he'd've reached that magic number——150years.

Aposa moto

Mola,in all of this,it is the cameroonian to blame.To think that an important event of that nature should still be behind wraps,I can only parrot fashion Eboua's song-when translated,says I don't know where cameroon is going.While all fortunate democraies are forging ahead,cameroon is still in the stone age.Unlike an historian,I wouldn't like to elaborate on this point as every cameroonian,except yesterday's born,is feeling a pinch or two.what the hell is happening?Coup can never be the answer as i don't believe in violence to acquire power.However,change must be made,and what ever form ,size or shape it takes,so be it.
I am nevertheless thankful for this balanced report,as one who has been out of cameroon for this long;and only hearing from the I hear says.A source of information I was forbidden to repeat by all be it my humble parents.So what next and where next?

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