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« 25 Years Ago... The April 6, 1984 Coup Attempt in Cameroon | Main | 25 Years Ago... "Le 6 Avril": Ruminations on a Date with Destiny »

April 06, 2009


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samira Edi

Somehow, I'm glad the coup did not succeed. Much as I hate how the civilian government has turned out to be, I shudder to think of the of the butchery and bloodbath that may have followed, had the coup succeeded.

I've come to regard the Cameroonian Army as the most ill-disciplined, officially sanctioned assemblage of brutal men with arms. I'm scared of them and feel that their level of violence is only matched by their level of incompetence and unbelievable cruelty. Only 15months into power, and they were already taking their chances against the bantham regime. With the principal putschist named Issa Ayoum, and his announcer name Yaya Adoum, there's no doubt it would've turned out to be another self-serving and brutal regime, perpetuated by nepotism.

Nonetheless, the people and Biya failed to capitalize on this coup attempt, as a sign of dissatisfaction with the Biya government, to address national concerns. The peoples' responsibility was the communual failure to call out an increasingly inept regime; and allowing an apathetic ruler to morph into an absolute lifelong tyrant.

The Cameroonian intelligentsia were way too busy encomiastically singing Dimabola in shameless sycophancy, to notice that the country was slipping down a dangerous slide both politically and economicall. And when they finally woke up, the house was on fire; gutted by the excesses of an inebriated nation which does not care about itself as a collective.

Ambe Johnson

Hi Samira,

You write: "Somehow, I'm glad the coup did not succeed. Much as I hate how the civilian government has turned out to be, I shudder to think of the of the butchery and bloodbath that may have followed, had the coup succeeded."

But the Buchery and bloodbath did in fact occur, and it targeted practically the entire elite (political, military, etc.) of the Grand North. These facts are now in the public domain since 1990. Please check them out.

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