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  • Dibussi Tande

    This weblog is based on DIBUSSI TANDE's personal views on people, places, issues and events in Cameroon, Africa and the world!


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« Chimamanda Adichie: The danger of a single story | Main | (Audio Report) Meeting in Washington, DC between the Cameroonian Community and the US Ambassador to Cameroon »

October 11, 2009


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George Njung

I feel proud reading this important aspect of a new literature on the decolonisation debacle of Southern Cammerooons. This is an aspect that, should more and more literature on it be unveiled, it is likely that the history of the decolonisation of the Souuthern Camerooons will have to be rewritten, in which case I will myself be ready and willing to take up the task.

Tatah Mentan

Please, we need more of such in-house archival materials so that garbage heap historians shuld not fool the Southern Cameroon people.
Tatah Mentan

Dango tumma

where is the emmanuel konde, the pay boy of french cameroun, who claim to tell us
what we know about our history.

Innocent Ndifor Mancho

Congratulations again. Scribbles from the Den has remained the best cameroonian blog on the internet and this with one reason-your dedication and professionalism. Thanks for being a journalist with the quest for truth and honesty. When I read what some other journalists write (Cameroon Tribune for example)I am embarrased by the biased nature of their arguments and the blatant tailoring of information. Some of them don't have any ethics.

Thanks for being the breath of fresh air that keeps the hope of a better Cameroon and journalism West of the Mongo alive

Business Loans

I think this project will help our nation overcome this financial crisis. Maybe supporting it will be a great move.

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