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February 19, 2010


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Bob Bristol

I thought these are the kind of stuff that should have solid grounds in our History Syllabus. Unfortunately, the kids are still fed with some funny ancient European History.

Very informative indeed! Thanks!


Bob Bristol,
you are not informed. Since 1995, Cameroon history is part of the Form four to upper sixth sylabus.I did all these things in secondary and high school
That said,i think this is very informative. Lets ask ourselves this question, what has become of these courageous multipartism actors today?
They are either too firghtened to get into politics again or have chop-broke-pot joined the beti dance. Just to say, we camerronians are not serious.


Slomo, correct that Cameroon history is part of the secondary and high school sylabus. However, it is a watered down version where you don't learn about those un-named "nationalists" who fought for our independence, or about the real story of the return of multipartism - No, there is no school text book that talks about the Yondo affair for example...


This excerpt has left me with a ton of questions - I am looking forward to the book.


Bob Bristol,
you still seem not to get the point, i studied in city college mankon, i did all those things in school, the yondos the oum nyobes the fru ndi, the vincent feko, i heard of all those names. I remember this topic, "the anglophone expectations" where all those names were cited. Dont tell me our was different from that of where u studied.


The article has some commendable facts but lack substance. As somebody who knows very little about Cameroon history, I was expecting to get a final word on what became of Yondo Black and co, but that piece of info is missing. But I Must say that it was worth my time. Keep up.


Daddy Festus, obviously you don't know how to use links on a website. At the end of this article, there is a long link that states that: "Click here to read about the Trial of Yondo Black and others for subversion and the impact of the Yondo Affair on Cameroonian Politics."

If you had clicked on the link, you would have found the answer(s) to your question...

Zach Ngou

And it seems like Daddy Festus also missed the opening sentence of the article which says "Culled from Reform and Repression in Cameroon: A Chronicle of the Smoldering Years (1990-1992) by Dibussi Tande (Forthcoming)."

In other words, this is a snippet a full length book that will soon be published. If "Big Daddy" is really interested in Cameroonian history, then let him purchase the book when it comes out.


To elio
Well, if I don't know how to use links as you put it, then i;m sure you must have clicked my way to this article. And I think you would've gained more respect by showing me the link in a respectable manner. I think you need to grow up!
And to Zach, I think you need to look up the meaning of "cull" in any dictionary of your choice, and you will definitely agree with me that it's got nothing to do with the piece of info i was looking for.
And to both of you, if you do not have anything to contribute to this article, or positive ideas to share with others who have something to say, I'd rather you keep your fingers off the keyboard.
thank. you


Daddy (now Boy) Festus, OK, let's concede that I was a little tough on you. That however does not erase the fact that you rudely asked for information that was right before you. Anyway, I hope the link which I pointed out has answered your question about how the Yondo affair ended.

I am sure Zach can speak for himself but the word cull means: "To pick out from others; select."

So the information above was merely an excerpt that was "selected" from an entire book. Capish?


And how does pick out from others tell me how the story ended? The title of the article or "book" whichever you prefer, has nothing to indicate if he was released from jail or remained incarcerated. So Mr. Elio or Zach should look well before pointing those crooked fingers.

Ngoko Pius

Daddy festus, obviously, younare stubbornly refusing to click on the link at the end of the article which a previous commentator pointed out. I wonder why...
"In the end, the ten individuals involved in the "Affair Yondo" got sentences ranging from 5 years to 2 years, while some were acquitted....

What was however historic about the Yondo Affair was not the trial whose verdict was overturned a few months later by President Biya, but its long-lasting impact on the Cameroonian political scene..."

Click on the link my friend as stop bothering the atmosphere:-)

Elive Wonja

The Yondo Black Affaire marks the rebirth of multipartism in Cameroon. Erroneously, many Cameroonians think it is Fru Ndi's dare-devil launching of SDF (an event that equally contributed greatly in the rebirth).


elive, thye Yondo Black Affair (which involved) 2 SDF founding members definitely laid the foundation for the the rebirth of Multipartism in Cameroon.However, the launching of the SDF was that "populist" spart without which Yondo's (elitist/intellectual) efforts would have come to zero. So let's not try and diminish either of them.

BTW, this DaddyFestus guy is unbelievable. Does he know how to use Goggle????

Elive Wonja

Hi Wantim,
Did you read this portion of the report

"[For yet another version of the January 23, 1990 meeting, see Vincent Feko’s interview in The Post newspaper (Friday, 01 September 2006) in which he states that it was by chance that he and Mukong stumbled upon the meeting between the Yondo Black and Tekam groups, and that they were never active participants in deliberations that took place."

Does it make any point to you?

Elive Wonja

To Wantim, (again!)

I'll like to you read this comment made by Salatou, a visitor to this blog, in 2006 responding to Dibussi Tande's article "The Yondo Black Affaire: Catalyst for Multiparty Politics in Cameroon". Here it goes:

Yondo Black - the man whom he history left behind.

An intellectual and politician in the mold of Dr. EML Endeley. Like Endeley, he would have loomed large over Cameroon's democratization process and multiparty politics if only he had been less elitist and haughty (but should we have expected differently from a legal luminary?) ... and if he had been fortunate enough to come from the "right" region/ethnic group.

It is not far-fetched to say that Yondo Black was Fru Ndi's Endeley or inversely, that Fru Ndi was Yondo Black's Foncha...

The "simple illiterate" with an uncanny ability to connect with the common man became the hero while the educated visionary and patriot with no real connection to "the people", virtually became an afterthought and even a political pariah...

Who ever said that history did not repeat itself?

In the long run, however, History will give Yondo Mandengue Black the place that he rightly deserves.


Mr.Ngoko Pius, could you not have done your little explanation without distorting your vocabulary a little bit? Your scribbled jargon was uncalled for and I will suggest you do yourself some good by not letting your tongue slide next time.


The Yondo Black Affaire marks the rebirth of multipartism in Cameroon. Erroneously, many Cameroonians think it is Fru Ndi's dare-devil launching of SDF (an event that equally contributed greatly in the rebirth). http://www.fullmediafire.com

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