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  • Dibussi Tande

    This weblog is based on DIBUSSI TANDE's personal views on people, places, issues and events in Cameroon, Africa and the world!


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« Interview With Prof. Victor Mbarika, Pioneer President of The ICT University | Main | Camerounian Novelist Léonora Miano Blasts Her American Publishers »

March 16, 2010


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hi,i think this is a premodial topic.I'm glad to read through such a topic.Youths and acedermicians in Cameroon are in the search for a greener pasture.A handful of them are paving their way out.But the underline question is to where are they going and how successful are they in the receiving countries have they succeeded in their intergration process?.Im most concern about norway.Trying to do research on this .Any contribution will be welcomed.Thanks.


its it possible to have the full version in english?

Athanasia mbah-Fongkimeh

hi, i think the information you have provided on the site is very important. but my problem is why we cannot have this information disaggregated by gender. i am a PhD student carrying out research on the impact of remittances from Cameroonian women migrants in belgium and the Netherlands on household livelihoods in cameroon. i will be very grateful if i can have some information about female migration and remittances on cameroon.
thanks, Athanasia

Teke Johnson Takwa

I am Cameroonian demographer working in the field of migration. Your effort is bold and timely.Migration is subject that is little explored in Cameroon. Keep on
Teke Johnson Takwa
Demographer Census Office Yaounde Cameroon


Good job you've done by translating the document into English. I think they should know by now that Cameroon is a bilingual country. This is a very pertinent issue today.
Thanks for keeping us abreast with happenings about our country.
Best regards

njikem marcel

i do appreciate the great job. it serves as a resource base for researchers. I am an MSc research student, University of Buea-cameroon, researching on this domain. I will be glad if any body can furnish me with data relating to remittances inflow in cameroon and kumba from 1982 to date.

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