French Cameroons gained its independence from France on January 1, 1960 while the British Southern Cameroons gained its independence from Britain and (re)united with the French Cameroons on October 1, 1961. However, the Biya regime has decided to commemorate the "Fiftieth Anniversaries of the Independence and Reunification of Cameroon" not on January 1, 2010 and/or October 1, 2011 but on May 20, 2010, the day when the Cameroon federation, which gave the former British Cameroons significant autonomy as a distinct political and territorial entity, was dissolved to be replaced by a centralized unitary state. The historical confusion of generations of Cameroonians contnues unabated...
Click here to visit the official "fiftieth anniversaries (SIC)" webiste.
It is very shameful and sad, when our leaders continue to feed the people with wrong historical facts. This represents a deliberate attempt to confuse our children by a leader who by virtue of his education and experience should now better. It may well be ignorance on the part of his speech writers and advisors some of whom are our people. Without that, what else can one say?
Posted by: Dr Ewusi | May 20, 2010 at 10:13 AM
It is sad to note that this "political amnesia" is highly selective and unfortunately, deliberate. The deterioration of the Former British Trust Territory of the Southern Cameroons' territory and its people is concrete evidence of this "amnesia" resulting in blatant neglect of a hitherto progressive people. Until and unless the authorities of La Republique du Cameroun (not including the former British Southern Cameroons)acknowledge the truth, the situation will surely be heading towards unavoidable disaster - a disaster that MAY be avoided if things are done correctly, beginning with meaningful dialogue with the legitimate representatives of the former British Trust Territory of the Southern Cameroons and abiding by the ruling and/or recommendations of the Banjul Verdict.
Dr. Christopher Atang
Posted by: Dr. Christopher Atang | May 20, 2010 at 12:11 PM
biya doesnt give a dawm about us, he speaks no english, he doesnt even thing we live, he only knows there is land to grab and resource to exploit illegally in southern cameroons, soo he continue his ilegal occupation and military dominace without any military challenge from any nation in the planet.
Posted by: DANGO TUMMA | May 21, 2010 at 05:38 PM
Thanks Tande for this - and by the way i'm glad you like ZANGALEWA as much as i do :)
Posted by: Nii | June 09, 2010 at 12:27 PM
Southern cameroonians are now saying re unification
instead of unification as it really is.
thats the french cameroun lie. They lie tbat we were
once a nation in german kamerun. And that the
latter comprises togo.chad.gabon equato ghinea.
these pieces of kamedun are independent countries
Except southern cameroons. .
thats why its called unification bridge mungo bridge
unification stadium. Cameroun as usual with its
lies had added re to it for propagNda . We must
stay with truth. After all we never really unify. Since
our leaders and the people never signed any treathy
their first president simply rushed in his army.
Posted by: dango tuman | February 03, 2015 at 06:28 PM