In this most revealing wikileaks document on Cameroon thus far, President Paul Biya makes a number of interesting revelations during a February 2010 discussion with (former) U.S. ambassador Janet Garvey – a rare window into the mind of Cameroon’s taciturn and inscrutable ruler. For example, during the discussion the President "confirmed that more corruption-related arrests were coming under his anti-corruption initiative Operation Epervier" (Sparrowhawk), although (contrary to rumor) he thought this would not likely include former Prime Minister Ephraim Inoni because the evidence against him was thin and he didn´t steal much money". The president also "professed frustration with China contrasts with the rising profile of Chinese investments in Cameroon..." Read on.
¶1. (C) Summary: On February 4 [2010], Ambassador met with President Paul Biya for a two-hour tour d´horizon of domestic and international issues. Biya was concerned about the threat of Islamic extremism. He praised growing Central African regional cooperation and improved relations with Nigeria. He was positive about the recent Copenhagen summit although frustrated with China´s role.
officials out of prison until they had shown remorse. He agreed that a lot of money had been stolen by corrupt officials and that budget transparency needed to be improved. The Electoral Commission (ELECAM) "keeps me awake at night," he said, arguing that the main problem with ELECAM was creating a "mechanism" for it to function well and independently within a system which is so dominated by the central government. He is working on a new electoral code, which he plans to submit to parliament in March, and he hopes Senate elections will be held in the second quarter of 2010.
Biya was warm and chatty, obviously pleased to be meeting, venturing into numerous tangents. He gave nothing away about possible early elections or his running for president while cryptically (maybe wistfully) mentioning retirement .
End summary.
Islamic Extremism
¶2. (S) Biya began the meeting by thanking the Ambassador for U.S. intelligence cooperation with Cameroon. He was beginning to worry about Islamic extremists infiltrating Cameroon from Nigeria and making inroads through Cameroonian mosques.
Regional Developments
¶3. (C) Biya saw a new spirit of cooperation in Central Africa. He was pleased with the January heads of state meeting of the Monetary and Economic Community of Central Africa (CEMAC) in Bangui, which brought significant reforms to the institution and the Central African Bank, BEAC (septel). He gave much of the credit for renewed regional cooperation to Gabonese President Ali Bongo. Chadian President Idris Deby feels more secure and is engaging more in the region, including asking Biya for advice, the President said, while engagement by the Central African Republic was limited because of its instability. Biya opined that CEMAC was too small but that merging with the Economic Community of
Central African States, CEEAC (which has been discussed for years) is probably not likely in the short-term. He had directed the Minister of External Affairs to explore greater synergies between CEMAC and CEEAC. Biya praised ongoing BEAC reforms, stressing that "a lot of money was stolen." The President saw the need to facilitate transportation, border crossing procedures, and airline connections within the region, although he frowned on a regional airline being based in Douala because it might compete with the future CAMAIRCO, Cameroon´s nascent airline. Biya gave the impression that he recognized Cameroon´s strength and stability in the region but was not looking for a bigger diplomatic role in
Central Africa.
Relations with Nigeria/Bakassi
¶4. (C) Biya was grateful for the 2006 Greentree Accord which led to the final settlement of the Bakassi Peninsula dispute with Nigeria. To build on this, Cameroon needed to construct more roads to Nigeria and strengthen its capacity to supply electricity to its neighbor. Biya asked Ambassador about the current Nigerian political situation, praising President Yar´adua as a "good partner" who had always treated Cameroon "properly." Biya was saddened by Yar´adua´s illness.
¶5. (C) Cameroon and Nigeria were working together to address what he thought were valid allegations that some Nigerians had been mistreated in Bakassi. The GRC was trying to "do it YAOUNDE right" in Bakassi, balancing development and security. The GRC´s elite military group, the Rapid Intervention Battalion (BIR), had been successful at reducing petty crime (although Biya saw the need to augment BIR efforts to combat highway bandits called "coupeurs de routes" in northern Cameroon). The President lamented a recent fire in Bakassi, hoped to find oil in the Peninsula, and stressed the need to improve the security environment.
¶6. (S) The outcome of the Copenhagen summit was "positive," especially its inclusion of forest resources, Biya said. Cameroon would associate with the Accord, he noted. He was particularly
frustrated with China - "what´s wrong with them?" he queried, criticizing them for "throwing their weight around" in Copenhagen. He didn´t understand China´s treatment of the Dalai Lama and
Taiwan, pointing to the need to "bring China along."
Economic/Commercial Issues
¶7. (SBU) Ambassador pointed to the growing U.S.-Cameroon commercial relationship. She noted that the bauxite mining consortium Cameroon Alumina Ltd. (CAL), which includes American company Hydromine, had fulfilled the conditions of its exploration license and hoped to be granted a mining permit. She also noted that American cobalt mining company Geovic had just resolved a long-standing dispute with its GRC partner which should facilitate completion of the project in 2010, although there were some lingering issues. She also highlighted our desire to see Cameroon take better advantage of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). Biya supported AGOA and agreed "there is a lot to do." He was frustrated with the human relations management of American electricity company AES, although he thought Cameroon´s water problems were more severe than electricity shortages. He was
delighted with Boeing´s interest in Cameroon. He recognized it would take time to build an airline but said that discussions with Lufthansa to manage the new airline were almost completed and he had just selected two directors for CAMAIRCO, one from the Netherlands and one from Austria.
¶8. (C) Biya did not discuss the overall economy in any depth but noted the "need to get the economy going." He was unhappy with the Minister of Agriculture for not doing more to boost the sector. He hoped the Kribi gas-fired power plant project would stay on track.
Corruption/Budget Transparency
¶9. (C) Ambassador praised Cameroon´s continued focus on fighting corruption, including renewed arrests of alleged corrupt officials, but also expressed concerns that legal procedures be fully pursued. She detailed USG support for anti-corruption efforts. Biya said he wouldn´t release those arrested for
corruption "until they admit they did something wrong." He was pleased with USG cooperation in combating corruption and stressed that corrupt officials "stole a lot of money." He confirmed that
more corruption-related arrests were coming under his anti-corruption initiative Operation Epervier" (Sparrowhawk), although (contrary to rumor) he thought this would not likely include former Prime Minister Ephraim Inoni because the evidence against him was thin and he didn´t steal much money. Epervier had sent a useful anti-corruption signal which has had some effect, he thought; however, he wanted to rethink the approach of arresting officials and focus more on getting the stolen money back. He had more information about corruption committed by former Secretary General in the Presidency Jean-Marie Atangana Mebara.
¶10. (SBU) The USG is particularly concerned about Cameroon´s slow progress toward improving budget execution and transparency, the Ambassador noted, explaining that a failure to improve budget
transparency could trigger a cut-off of bilateral assistance under U.S. law. She also hoped that Cameroon would be successful when it comes up for validation in March under the Extractive
Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI). Biya agreed that Cameroon needed to do better in budget transparency and utilization, singling out the National Investment Company (SNI) as having a particularly nontransparent budget. He would talk to the Prime Minister and Finance Minister about this issue and EITI.
¶11. (C) Ambassador stressed the need for free, fair, transparent and well-administered elections and asked how he could help us overcome the perception that ELECAM lacks credibility. How to make Electoral Commission (ELECAM) work well, "keeps me awake at night," Biya responded, stressing that he wants it to function with true independence. He claimed he didn´t personally know the members of the ELECAM Council (who have been widely criticized for being partisan senior ruling party officials). His main problem with ELECAM was in creating a "mechanism" for it to function well and independently within a system which is so dominated by the central government. It was important to have a
large voter turnout in order to ensure stability in the country, he said. He was frustrated with opposition parties and the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization for being
"enemies of ELECAM."
¶12. (C) Biya noted that later in the day he would review the new electoral code, which he hoped would harmonize all electoral laws and could be ready to submit to parliament during the upcoming March session of the National Assembly. He hoped to hold Senate elections in the second quarter of 2010, which would be "a test" for ELECAM before presidential elections "next year." He hoped to put some military generals in the Senate (possibly also the Navy Chief, who Biya said "we have to do something about, " presumably because of the Admiral´s reputation for corruption and incompetence). Biya also said he plans to create a Constitutional Council soon. (Note: Biya has never created the Senate or the Constitutional Council called for in the 1996 constitution. In his New Year´s address, Biya said he would create the Senate in 2010. End note.)
¶13. (SBU) The President admired Ghanaian President Mills and South African President Zuma, who have both reportedly accepted an invitation to a conference on 50 years of African independence to
be held in Cameroon later this year. The conference would discuss the progress and challenges of African rule, although "there hasn´t been much progress," Biya quipped, adding that Africa needed
stronger institutions. When Ambassador inserted that these institutions should be democratic, Biya just smiled.
¶14. (C) Biya was the most relaxed and talkative of all his meetings with Ambassador. He was gracious, generally well informed, mentally sharp, and seemingly in good health, although he tired toward the end of the two hours. He seemed eager to keep the conversation going, venturing into concerns about Afghanistan, Iran (which he feared threatened Israel), and Haiti (he praised the
U.S. response). Ambassador commended Cameroon´s $1 million offer of assistance to Haiti; Biya said the Cameroonian public was praising this decision. He put a heavy value on discipline, highlighting its strength among northern Cameroonians and its weakness in the Indomitable Lions (the national soccer team, which lost in the Africa Cup) and among some of his colleagues (such as Minister of Economy and Planning Luis Paul Motaze, who Biya thought lacked discretion). At the same time, however, he revealed a mischievous side and projected a degree of helplessness when confronted with key problems in his government (such as managing the budget, jumpstarting agriculture, and making ELECAM more
¶15. (S) He did not seem well informed about the poor state of the navy, which Ambassador mentioned in discussions about the BIR. He gave no hint as to whether he will run in the next presidential
election or whether he might change the composition of the ELECAM Council. His concerns about Islamic extremism echoed similar concerns we have been recently picking up in the north and among
our moderate Muslim contacts, who worry about dangerous influences both from Nigeria and Iran. Biya´s odd insistence that corrupt officials should repent reflected his religious background (he
started his career in the seminary) and his emphasis on personal loyalty. His professed frustration with China contrasts with the rising profile of Chinese investments in Cameroon; it probably reflects some real ambivalence about China and Cameroon´s desire to balance Chinese, U.S. and French interests. Biya seemed very concerned about climate change, noting at one point that he was moving to a more energy efficient house.
¶16. (C) Biya´s affection for the U.S. appears genuine (he talked fondly of his one visit to the U.S.) Some in the media are already interpreting the length of this meeting (which some journalists report as unprecedented) as a sign of the importance of the U.S.-Cameroon relationship. Biya´s wide ranging comments and questions encompassed American car manufacturers, Tiger Woods, the Massachusetts Senate election, the U.S. economy and health reform debate, former President George W. Bush (who he liked because he is a farmer and reads the bible), and President Obama (who he admires). He hoped Cameroon could benefit from Millennium Challenge Corporation funding, noting that Senegalese President Wade had told him how much he likes the MCC, but acknowledging concerns about the GRC´s current capacity to implement an MCC compact. Biya appreciated USG exchange programs and offerings of training. He mentioned retirement and said he would love to visit the U.S. again, especially Detroit (presumably because of a love of automobiles.) Ambassador stressed that America was a friend of Cameroon.
¶17. (C) Biya had earlier cornered Ambassador during a New Year event to say "we have much to talk about". He obviously did. His eagerness to engage us, his positive interest in the U.S., his questions to Ambassador about a wide range of global issues, the unusual length of this meeting and breadth of conversation suggest the President may be receptive to further discussions with senior USG officials in such areas as corruption, elections, democratic transition, and Cameroon´s global role.
Source: Wikileaks
An indicisive president who doesn't know what to do with the Chinese "invasion", with incompetent ministers, with a heavily decentralized system, with a corrupt general, with an underperforming AES Sonel, with an electoral commission that lacks credibility, with a national investment corporation that operates in a non-transparent manner... etc.
If we didn't know better, we would think that this was one of those "subversive" opposition leaders badmouthing our dear President....
It is defnitely time to a brand new, bold and decisive leadership!
Posted by: Blaise | June 22, 2011 at 03:45 PM
Thanks Tande Dibussi, for this golden opportunity to peep through your lense and that of Wikileaks to see below the surface of our good old triangle. It is gratifying to think that towards the end of his rule, President Paul Biya is seriously concerned about the progress of the country.
The work appears unnecessarily heavy only for one reason - the unfortunate tendency to glorify a one-man show. Empower the institutions of the nation, Mr. President - the courts, the national assmebly, the police force, research insitutions, the universities - and you will be pleasantly surprised how easy it can be. Bonne chance.
Posted by: John Dinga | June 22, 2011 at 06:15 PM
Biya, his ministers and advisers are all intellectually dishonest. For someone who’s been in power both in the capacity of vice president and president for more than 27 years, he speaks of Cameroon as an isolated leader who lives in a bubble. He depends solely on briefings from his ministers/advisers/governors and barely knows his own country. He, Biya as president should have travel all over Cameroon by now looking for what needs to be done from the citizens, but not he prefers long trips abroad living lavishly on the state’s expenses
What do you expect him to say to the US ambassador in a two hour conversation, of course he touches on his so call accomplishments and illuminate his strengths. When the ambassador on several occasions mentioned political and economic reforms he dodged and stuck with what matters to him or makes him look good. Granted he has convicted his former appointees for embezzling and stealing the state’s money but he Paul Biya has been using the country money as his personal bank account/ATM machine since he became president.
Ruling with the expectations of loyalty and not competence has lead Cameroon to a degree of poverty that will take decades to recovery from. Biya has the audacity to expect those who have stolen state’s money from the state to repent to him, instead he should lead the way, set an example by repenting to the Cameroonian people for his disregard, hate, mismanagement and theft of the country’s asserts.
Please do not censor comments on your blog.
Posted by: Jean-Marie Etame | June 24, 2011 at 09:12 AM
Once again this Revelation show who Biya is. The head of Cartel he called government. He is always quick to glorify himself. Like the Godfather he makes promises he never accomplished. (where is the Senate Election)
What matters to the Cameroonian people is not of interest to him......
Well his Cartel is at its decline now since most of its members are fighting against each other. And he is putting some behind bar.
Posted by: Felix | June 25, 2011 at 03:39 AM
The agricultural sector contributed alot to develop the U S and it is it that should contribute much to develop Cameroon. If the president says 'he was unhappy with the Minister of agriculture for not doing more to boost the sector' he is 100 per cent right but what has he done since he made this statement since last year to rescue the situation? Almost nothing.The situation is deplorable.
Posted by: Akum George | June 26, 2011 at 10:12 PM
In short, he's a despot & his days are running short despite his cartelism.
Posted by: kim | June 28, 2011 at 05:58 AM
An old adage holds that "It never rains ;it pours!"
The time of reckoning is at hand. Just like John Milton's characters in "The Paradise Lost" waiting in Purgatory to be judged. That is exactly the situation in which Mr.Biya and his cohorts find themselves today.
They have held this country ransom for over three decades without any qualms.He pretentiously insinuates to the US Ambassador that he can only show some clemency to victims of the Sparrow Hawk Operation if they show some remorse or atonement for their crimes? Has he himself done same to Cameroonians whose assets he and his clique of cleptocrates have plundered over these years? Where is the Cameroon Bank? Where is the SCB Bank?, The farmer's pride; the National Produce Marketing Board?, The FONADER?, The Crédit Agricole?, WADA?,UNVDA?,CELLUCAM? Our Petrol money etc. Where are the results of the thousand and one Commissions of inquiries set to investigate acts of impunity commited by some of these unscrupulous citizens who at the time resorted to arson to erase evidence of their thievry. Just give me one whose findings were made public?
At one time when the SDF cried foul to these impunities Mr. Biya asked for proves? A few years latter he started bringing out the proves himself even without being asked again? Now some of his closest collaborators who almost considered themselves as untouchables are lanquishing behind bars.Former President Ahidjo for 25 years had done great things for Cameroon. Realised numerous palpable projects. Just to cite a few: The Amadou Ahidjo Stadium, Reunification Stadium, the Yaounde Congress Hall, the present Unity Palace,the Yaounde Universty Complex,the Wouri Bridge, the Sanaga Bridge, ONCPB Buildings in Yaounde and Douala,CNPS Y'de,SNI,CNR, Ministerial Buildings in Yaounde,Yaounde Town Hall,the Douala International Airport, The now Yaounde military airport? Stadia: Bafoussam, Garoua. Tarred Road networks linking major towns?,the Douala Seaport, the rail network etc. and the list continues. The Biya Regime for thirty years has virtually nothing to offer apart from the Economic Crisis and hardship it has brought to Cameroonians. There's no condition that is permanent in this world! Our stay on this earth is ephemeral.We're supposed to make ample use of the small time the Lord Almighty has accorded us on earth to render services to
humanity.Because no one knows where he came from and where he is heading to?
Ben Jonson the Italian Comedian ends his play VOLPONE with these words. "...let all that see these vices thus rewarded,take heart to study them.Mischieve feeds like beasts till they be fat;then they bleed." The future will tell!!!!
Posted by: Tantoh Henry A. | June 28, 2011 at 11:10 AM
cameroonians are talkative drunkers trying to sound like brave intellectuals.this people are so fearful to ever fight for their rights,after all they are morally bankrupt and every citizen is somehow funny and ...will finish this conversation if any cameroonian especially the anglo cameroonians who sold themselfs to
Posted by: obioma kumba nigerian | June 28, 2011 at 08:29 PM
I agree with u Obioma - anglo cameroonians sold themselves into slavery and cant even figure out how to get out
Posted by: Elvis | August 27, 2011 at 06:47 AM