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  • Dibussi Tande

    This weblog is based on DIBUSSI TANDE's personal views on people, places, issues and events in Cameroon, Africa and the world!


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« Cameroon Diaspora Voting Act: List of External Voting Sites Published | Main | Cameroon Presidential Election: Opposition Coalitions Are Overrated... »

September 03, 2011


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Brilliant media staging with actors involving a Minister of Information with no PR expertise, an arrogant blogger obsessed with presentation rather than content,a biased Western media (BBC) and a presenter with little background knowledge of Cameroon's political history. An explosive mix of opponents implying but not explicating.
We look forward to your analysis of the Minister's "outlandish statements". Let's see how your accusations correspond to empirical facts

Bande Peter

Hahaha, what a surprise! Mr. "Cadmum" appears again to talk about everything and nothing.

If neither the Minister (who lacks PR skills per you) nor the other participants were able "explicate" the Cameroon situation, how about you helping us shed light on these issues? After all, the owner of this blog has given you this platform to comment, uncensored, even when you are insulting and being outright rude.

Pray, what are these PR skills that the eloquent minister does not have? What are these facts that the "arrogant blogger" failed to present? Why wait for the blogger to present his rebuttal to Tchiroma? You, who knows the system better than the "ignorant" BBC journalist, and who understands the Biya regime even better than the regime's propaganda minister should just give us an seminal expose.

Please, we are dying to read from this newly minted expert on Cameroon.

On another note, I wrote back in April that Mr. Dibussi should start moderating comments so that we are spared these inanities, but unfortuntely he has not. So we are constantly being punished with stupid comments by people who are not even courageous enough to use their real names...


A hired hand or is it a "rent a crowd".

"There is one thing in the world more contemptible than the slave of a tyrant—it is the dupe of a SOPHIST."

Samuel Chidong

Cadmun did not follow the discussion. He is probably one of the hired hands the regime is using to invade web pages with reckless comments.

I am very sorry for his kind. They are like the proverbial slave whose yoke was removed, but turned back to his master to say he was not feeling confortable without the yoke.

Clowns and jokers like Cadmun should come out in the open with rational and objective comments.

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