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« Why Cameroon Does Not Have a Two-round Presidential Election System | Main | Albatross Affair: A Profile of Ephraim Inoni and Hamidou Marafa »

April 02, 2012


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R. Enanga

The journalists objecting to the naming of this prize are alive to do so...Ngota no longer is.


As far as I am concerned, what we have here is a case of bloated egos and wounded pride of folks who are outraged that a "nonentity" such as Bibi Ngota should have an award in name when he was not part of the big media houses such as Le Messager, Le Jour, etc. No surprise that the most vitriolic statements are coming from journalists who work with these newspapers.

And why do I suspect that some of these journalists cannot compete because they have never done a single investigative report in their lives???

The concluding statement says it all: "Bibi Ngota was a flawed and even tragic figure, but he remains, in spite of his real and imagined flaws, a potent rallying symbol of the once soaring Cameroonian media whose wings are constantly being clipped by the state's unrelenting steamroller policies."


I just read a comment on a Cameroonian forum by a prominent Cameroonian journalist who says the initiators of the award are "trying to belittle [the journalism] profession" and "undermin[ing] an authority of the Secretary
General of the Union of Cameroon Journalists UCJ, Mr Christophe Bobiokono" by creating an award behind his back!

So if an award is not sponsored by the UCJ it is not valid????!

As someone pointed out earlier, the real issue here might very well be the inability of Cameroonian journalists to carry out basic investigative reporting.... I wouldn't be surprised if no one wins the award this year because there's no writing that's up to par....

Fai collins

What a thought provoking write up. It is very true that many have left the substance and are chasing the goose. Courage brother

John Dinga

As always, you did it again, dear Chia! This is beautiful. It is an eye-opener, a material for deep introspection that should serve all Cameroonians no matter their estate. Yes, the messenger may have been a Mr. Nobody, but look at the powerful message!

And indeed the savior - that providential Knight that will ride into town and rescue Cameroonians out of the grip of their jailor - will not be in sight any time soon. Should attention not be focused on alternatives, no matter how rudimentary? Thank you Chia, for helping us reexamine our inner selves and motives. Thank you very much.


Mr. Dinga, Innocent Chia whom you mention in your comment above is different from Dibussi Tande, the author of this article. I am sure it was a slip up :-)

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