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  • Dibussi Tande

    This weblog is based on DIBUSSI TANDE's personal views on people, places, issues and events in Cameroon, Africa and the world!


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« [Conference] Threats to Nigeria's Security: Boko Haram and Beyond | Main | He Stood Up Against Injustice: Remembering Football Great Joe Ewunkem »

June 19, 2012


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Mola Dibussi, they will surely be inviting you to join one or more of those think tanks or institutes. Choose wisely. Of course, you shall.

Okafor Ismaila

Oh my country! Nigeria has suddenly become a banana republic, to an extent that a Cameroonian now walks into a conference and discuss about its security. Where are its military experts, diplomats and academics who once dealth with these matters?

Joe Ikenna

Okafor, knowledge knows no boundaries. A Chinese person can become an expert on election politics in the United States, a Nigerian can become an expert on post-Apartheid South Africa, and an American may become an expert of the role of the military in Nigerian politics. That is definitely not a reflection on the state of the countries that these foreigners are interested.

Yes, Nigeria has become a banana republic but not because Cameroonians are talking about it at conferences, but because of poor governance, corruption, insecurity, etc.

Again, true scholarship knows no boundaries.

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