After a marathon session which began yesterday at 2 pm, the Mfoundi High court finally gave its verdict early this morning in the case of The Government of Cameroon vs. Marafa Hamidou Yaya, Fotso Michel
Yves, Kounda Julienne, Sandjon Geneviève, Chapuis Jean-Louis, Assene
All the accused received heavy sentences ranging from 10 to 25 years:
- Marafa Hamidou Yaya, Yves Michel Fotso and Jean-Marie Assene Nkou - 25 years.
- Jean-Marie Chapuis, former CEO of the Fotso-owned Commercial Bank Cameroon (CBC), and his collaborator Genevieve Sandjon - 15 years.
- Julienne Kounda, former Assistant CEO of CBC - 10 years.
They must jointly pay 21 billion Francs CFA ($42 million) in damages and interest to the state plus more than 1 billion Francs CFA ($2 million) in costs.