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January 28, 2013


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What's with the Cameroon administration and oral agreements? Marafa ended up with 25 years in jail because of neither he nor the former minister of finance could back their claims of orders to transfer or not transfer money with paper claims. In this case, Ntongo onguene talks of orders from two former Ministers of Transport but there is no paper trail to back his claims which could be very true. Very soon, the Inoni case will be added to the Special Court's roster and there again we will have to deal with verbal orders from the presidency to the then Minister of transport....

one of the fundamental principles I learned in administrative law during my Ngoa days is that "Administration is written, not spoken" in other words, if it is not written, documented, it did not happen. I am afraid many people are now ending up in jail because the simply "followed orders" with no paper trail. This should be the first item of reform for the Cameroon administration; no more verbal orders, especially when millions of francs are concerned; no more keeping bags of money in office safes - use a bank for christ's sake!


As much as I'll like to see him punished because he IS guilty....we have to choose our battles...There many other managements who have stolen $$$ and outside of facing jailtime, the money was never refunded....Yes, jail is punishment for the individual, but what good does it do the company or program from which the money was stolen if it is not returned?


I agree that there should be a balance between justice and the recovery of stolen state funds. The accused should even after refunding the 'stolen funds', be blacklisted and banned from holding any public office for a number of years. Just getting the money back in my view is not enough. However, this must be evidence based and not just political point settling or based on gut feel as in some cases.

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