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« [Just Published] "Virtual Activism on Cameroon: The CamNet Files" by Isaac Endeley | Main | [Video] Update on the Bamenda-Mamfe-Ekok-Abakaliki-Enugu Highway »

March 05, 2013


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A Comment from Camnet:

It should be understandable why the President is selecting or appointing 30% to the new Senate from across the land. These individuals will have to be strong stakeholders--people with property, wealth, and powerful interests in their respective communities. Yes, these would constitute the bastion of continuity and rational, not radical, transformation of the political system over time.

The Cameroon government is based on a strong executive--The Presidency. This strong executive model is derived from the French system and influence, and from the historical experience of French colonialism and the violence that attended the UPC struggle for independence in French Cameroun. Consequently, the concept of checks and balance does not necessary mean "equality" or "absolute balance". The balance is uneven because it is skewed to the favor of stability and durability. Cameroon has not arived at the point where election of Senators can be open to a largely politically illiterate populace. The people must be guided by a philosopher-king who has devoted his entire life to the task of building a sustainable democracy in Cameroon. The work of President Biya should be viwed from a "long perspective". The collective wisdom of 30 Senators appointed by the President will aid the progress toward sustainable democracy.

Granted, the adopted approach appears imperfect to critics and rightfully so. But nothing in politics is ever perfect. We can only hope that successive generations will refine and make more perfect the perfectible imperfections of their predecessors.

Emmanuel Konde

Wanzi Nona

A response to Konde from Prof. Tatah Mentan:

Let me attempt to summarize what Dr.Konde is saying in current language of political discourse in this era of globalization. Indeed, he subscribes to what is called nowadays as market-driven democracy. With hindsight, my former teacher at ESIJY, Professor Samir Amin, calls it “low-intensity democracy”. This brand of democracy is described as characterized by limited accountable government, relatively unfree and unfair competitive elections, partially curtailed substantial civil and political rights, and compromised associational autonomy. In fact, this variant of democracy alienates the idea of democracy from its social connotation as popular power, in favor of ‘formal’ and procedural criteria that safeguards the dominance of the elites and of the market. I understood this lesson during my second year in Yaounde University. To imagine a Professor peddling such dangerously anti-democratic notion is tantamount to auctioning his intellectual vacuity.
To quote economist John Maynard Keynes “Sooner or later, it is ideas, not vested interests, which are dangerous for good or evil.” I have never accused President Paul Biya of being a “Philosopher-King”. I have known him to be a lackey, a running-dog of French neocolonialism in LRC. I simply wish Dr.Konde and his mentor Paul Biya to go ahead with their “sustainable democracy” ‘which does not necessary mean "equality"’ since ‘Cameroon has not arived at the point where election of Senators can be open to a largely politically illiterate populace’. Yet, all elections in Cameroon are "open to a largely politically illiterate populace". The Um Nyobes, Ernest Ouandies, Moumies, etc. should groan in their tombs on reading Dr.Konde’s traitorous epistle to St.Paul Biya in defense of political gangsterism in a secret police "gate-keeper" state.
Tatah Mentan


Did Dr. Konde just insult Cameroonians as being illiterate and uneducated?

 Peter Vakunta, Ph.D

It is a tragegy of sorts to watch intellectuals or those who purport to fall into this mold sink into unimaginable depths of debasement for pecuniary gains. The role of the intellectual in enlightening the rank and file and setting records straight for posterity is crucial. In doing so, the genuine intellectual strives to distinguish himself/herself from "okrika" or "kokobioko" intellectual.

Celebrated humanist, teacher, and scholar, Edward W. Said in his seminal book, REPRESENTATIONS OF THE INTELLECTUAL(Pantheon Books,1994)examines the ever-changing role of the intellectual today.

In six stunning essays delivered on the BBC as the prestigious Reith Lectures,Said addresses the ways in which the intellectual can best serve society in the light of a heavily compromised media and of special interest groups who are protected at the cost of larger community concerns.Said suggests a recasting of the intellectual's vision to resist the lures of power, money, and specialization. He concludes that it is the role of the intellectualto be the voice of integrity and courage, able to speak out against those in power.

tekum emmanuel

Mr biya is a vert big obstacle to democracy in cameroon and in africa in general.this man has rigged past election in cameroon with the complicity og the forces of law,and even the clergy.rendering young cameroonians poor and disgruntile.


The senate is another democratic farce, that is destined to further preserve the interests of dictator Biya and his chronies.




The battle for hearts and minds in Cameroon and the diaspora is so much reflected in the War of verbs and words. The above essay, "Cameroon’s New Senate: An (Anti)Democratic Anachronism," as well as the following comments by Wanzi Nona, Peter Vakunta, Ph.D, tekum emmanuel & ANGLOPHONE,are best described as, 'incendiary rhetoric; very eloquent & well articulated, YET no factual fluency.'

"Granted, the adopted approach appears imperfect to critics and rightfully so. But nothing in politics is ever perfect. We can only hope that successive generations will refine and make more perfect the perfectible imperfections of their predecessors." Emmanuel Konde. This is positive and progressive thinking shared by Aloga


Emmanuel Konde,
Your right-up, just confirmed the popular say that '' most Africans are educated on paper, most Africans lack the vision to relate paper achievements to reality''. Dr Emmanuel,History is not created by kings or Ph.D holders.The world revolves around rational thinking,hands-on experience. You will agree with me that, Cameroon as a country finds herself in this Economic quagmire today because, the '' big book'' people like you have failed totally to steer the wheels in the right direction.Before, you became a Dr, the founding fathers of Cameroon were not schooled like you, but you will agree with me that, they used common sense and moved Cameroon positively in the economic coordinate. This economic prosperity is what every country or nation needs. The likes of Bill gates, Steve jobs, Warren buffet are not Ph.D holders, but they have made impacts to the world's economy.Africa's under-development and poverty has been largely caused by those who load themselves with certificates. It will be of great help, if Africans or Cameroonians start measuring their success based on performance, reality, applications,.
As at now, Cameroonians do not need Democracy, but a proper and functioning economy. An economy where people are not perturbed in their careers by some administrative buffoons.our children , wives are happy when they have balance diet and ,live in comfortable homes, with constant clean water flow, constant electricity supply, drive their cars on good roads, have good hospitals, have proper schools etc. You do not talk big book when you are hungry. Cut the crab with Ph.D and let's focus on building Cameroon's economy and create enabling and sustainable environment for all Cameroonians today, tomorrow and centuries to come.


mitti tanui

too much spices spoils the soup too much book will spoil Cameroon i believe in what i do because i know its value in my economy. i do it diligently and do not discriminate i serve people and do not wait for them to say thank you. i encourage local arts by purchasing their original work. i do community work around thus i use the gathering to sensitize local people about the ills of vandalism and the important to preserve life. i go on my knees and thank God for my country i make constructive critics not insults i do not save my money in foreign banks and do foreign investments i need to employ Cameroonians. i participate in my country politics i vote to express my opinion and if you ask me i consume local beer and if every body like what i do i will want us to stand up tall and call ourselves Cameroonians and stop fighting and spitting out our knowledge on papers. do you own part and help your own way then you can complain with nothing you do make you a lazy mind which is the devils workshop.I AM A CAMEROONIAN. by M.S.Tanui

Aaron Ngwe

M.S. Tanui, must this be an "either/or" discussion? I do ALL that you've mentioned above and ALSO point out the faults of my community, my church, my traditional rulers, my government, etc. That is what it means to be a CITIZEN and to "participate in my country politics." If the main article or the ensuing comments are wrong, then point out where the error is, but if you can't do this simple task, then your commentary is out of topic. We come here to learn from each other to read and share opinions and ideas - the very foundation of any citizen-oriented and participatory society; the kind of society we want in Cameroon where people are not punished for their ideas and are not branded "unpatriotic" because they dared to point out the shortcomings of their leaders and gvt. So Mr. Tanui, what exactly is your opinion - good or bad - about the Senate and the upcoming Senate elections? That is what is at issue here, and not what you do with your life on your spare time


To my mind,the cameroonian legal sytem stands a risk of sinking deeper than it seems to be untill Africa is AFRICAN.I also think that the upcomiming senatorial elections will evidently stand head and sholder tall as a detractor to the oposition firstly because it is prima faci based on apoinments and equaly in that they may get contented and forget their role as advocates of the shadow carbinate.As concerns the state of things nothing more than prayers will safe our economy given that the white man has a strong greep over all our resources.GOD HELP MY COUNTRY.


Weep not child.


when and if he should loose his vision,or be frustrated in his super imposition of it upon the people,the form corrupts and madness ensue.the vision lost he may only remain with the power of his office against the frustration and implacability of the realities.the followership may sense this and faulter.this is a message to the sit tight African leaders.its time for the oppressed Africans to wake up and bring about a sustainable transformation in the political arena. Including Cameroonians.

Desmond Adamu

Excellent blog. These conversations are necessary. We must not despair in light of a seemingly repressive socio-political atmosphere. I can understand the sentiments of one of the comments which says that there is a preponderance of "big talk" over positive action but that has too often lead to less conversation. I would argue that that might be a dangerous path to take. When our ideas and ideals are not constantly kept in mind for all (especially our children) to see, when the time comes for us to make a difference (and that time WILL come), those available to act will not be as versed in what it is that the people want as they ought to be. Let's not let history repeat itself. Keep the conversation going and don't be shamed out of having an opinion. Strong or not.

USDP Cameroon

United Socialist Democartic Party (USDP) runned by a young cameroonian in the person of Prince Michael Ngwese Ekosso is providing the platform for change in Cameroon. In spite the various tricks by the barons to keep power around the ambits of their control in Cameroon, USDP and its leader has shown that Cameroon and cameroonians can still brace up themselves for positive change!

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