As part of the #BringBackOurGirls campaign, a Zimbabwean poet Batsirai Chigama added her voice to campaign with this poem dedicated to the missing girls of Chibok.
Us the gentle souls
whose wombs bear scars
not erased by time
Us whose hearts militants brutalize,
death they sow recklessly
our future they take liberties to destroy
time stands still
deeper each day that passes
the void erupts ...
to this gnawing, mad-like disbelief
silent clouds hover on the sad empty chair
like vultures in wait
as we watch the dinner grow cold
again, tonight.
"It’s true that a hashtag alone can’t even begin to combat the multiple systemic problems that have worked in conjunction to allow 276 girls to be taken from their very school, but it has shed some light on those problems. And even though it’s true that not every person who has tweeted #BringBackOurGirls will give much thought to the Nigerian schoolgirls, the attention generated by the hashtag means that important people around the world are now doing just that."
Posted by: #BringBackOurGirls | May 08, 2014 at 09:34 AM
the line 'we watch the dinner grow cold' is really moving the hearts of any human being including the kidnappers.
Posted by: kothapalli ravibabu | May 21, 2014 at 10:11 AM