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  • Dibussi Tande

    This weblog is based on DIBUSSI TANDE's personal views on people, places, issues and events in Cameroon, Africa and the world!


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« Boko Haram: Issa Tchiroma on the Right of Pursuit by Nigerian Forces on Cameroonian Territory | Main | [Interview] Mola Njoh Litumbe: Union between Southern Cameroons & La Republique du Cameroun is Illegal »

September 04, 2014


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Thanks for this great article. I will make sure to purchase the book. So much of our history is hidden, and I am doing the same on my blog to revamp it. Afrolegends.com

A question for you Dibussi: Did Cameroonian soldiers fight during the war of Vietnam (Indochine)? We know that Bokassa did Vietnam (and even fathered a daughter whom he brought back to RCA), as well as Eyadema, and many Senegalese soldiers came back from Vietnam with Vietnamese wives, and they have a snack called 'neim' in the Senegalese culinary culture from the Vietnamese. What about Cameroonians?


Dee, many soldiers from the French Cameroons also fought in Indochina. This was the case, for example, of the late sergeant (later Colonel) Bouba kaele who was part of the 4th foot batalion of the famous "tirailleurs senegalais" who were not Senegalese...


Oh wow... thank you Dibussi, for this great information. I always wondered why I had never heard of Cameroonians fighting in Indochina/Vietnam, and found it weird. I had simply assumed that it might have been because French Cameroon was only a French protectorate, and that may have shielded Cameroonians from France's dirty wars.

Do you know their numbers by any chance? Apart from the late Bouba Kaele, were there others? Did they ever receive any recognition? or is it like for the 'tirailleurs senegalais', whose contribution to the liberation of France during WWI and WWII was only acknowledged a couple of years back? Are there other wars our fellow countrymen participated in that we do not know about?
Thank you for enlightening me.

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