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  • Dibussi Tande

    This weblog is based on DIBUSSI TANDE's personal views on people, places, issues and events in Cameroon, Africa and the world!


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July 27, 2015


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Canute Tangwa

Dibussi you jolted me with those powerful lines. Then I began writing:

Maroua o Maroua

your pain no tongue can tell
your anguish no heart can feel

Maroua o Maroua

beside marché central we sat and wept
remembering our loved lost ones
beside pont vertwe stood and shook our heads
remembering the dead
.... to be continued

Nsah Mala

Hello Mr Tande,

This is a great tribute poem and it really wipes our tears from the wailing provoked by these beasts of Shekau.

I enjoyed your style.

Nsah Mala


Canute, glad to see the ink still flows! Looking forward to the continuation.

Nsah, glad you liked it!

Eunice Ngongkum

Dibussi,thanks for this meaningful dirge that sings our collective sorrow.

mbuh tennu

Dibussi, I returned from Maroua (after a conference) just a day before the first suicide coward scarred the land which I had admired and hailed in a poem (after my maiden trip there) as "future spot of dreams". And to imagine a cowardly ideology, preying on and exploiting children against the indescribable beauty of the land! I feel your pain and frustration, but above all, share the hope...


Touching piece of poetry. Maroua in our hearts, Maroua on our minds

Don Julio Bats

Mola... you touched several nerves with this poem. It's not only heartfelt; it's true and shared emotion. Something in me says, "No! Not Maroua!" Why they did that to the a city so peaceful under normal circumstances is something I refuse to comprehend and forgive. Maroua will be the beginning of the destruction of these cowards!


Javea, I greatly admire your poetrical presentation reflecting Maroua's sad tragedy. This, I venture to predict, may well gather momentum if Cameroon fails to embrace dialogue in seeking to correct transparent problems facing the country. The time to do so is now!

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